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London, Phantom of the Opera and more......

Tomorrow morning, very early, I'm off to London. I have to leave my house at 4.50AM to go to Märsta and pick up two of my co-workers. The plane leaves at 7AM but we are to meet at 5.45 to be sure to get through security, taxfree, passport and get to the gate where we are supposed to be 20 minutes before, not later.

When we arrive in London we have a full day ahead. We start with checking in at the hotel and then lunch before going to Soanes architecture museum where we will spend the afternoon. In the evening we will dine at one of Gordon Ramsey's restaurants which we are looking forward to.

Saturday we are going on an architecture walk called Olympic London where we will have a practising architect showing us all the Olympic arenas that are being built or already finished.

For those who want there are an exhibition called Don't move, Improve at NLA(New London architecture) and later we are having Afternoon tea at an awardwinning place. Then at night we are to see Peter Jöback as the Phantom in Phantom of the Opera (which I have seen 4 times before 2 of them in London but not with Peter)

Sunday we have free time so we might have time for some shopping before heading home.

I have organized the trip, booked everything and had contact with a lot of people about this trip. It is of course with my job I'm going hense all the architecture visits.

I hope everything will turn out as good as I hoped when I planned it.
I will take pictures and stuff and I will tell you all about it when I get home.

Have a lovely weekend everyone :-)


  1. Sounds like a fun trip! I can't wait to see the photos!


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