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Visar inlägg från februari 27, 2010

Help me with this H.E.A.T delight!

object width="240" height="400"> Help me win this! If I do I will bring all of my sisters together for a reunion for the first time. Isn't that something to go for? We don't get any younger ;-) so this is my chance. And can you really say no to something with the name of H.E.A.T delight? They must taste gorgeous and rockn'roll. Now it's time for Melodikrysset but I wish you all a wonderful Saturday where ever you are. Sorry, I didn't think about this being in Swedish. It says: Help me win 100 000 SEK. Vote for my mix and encrease my chance  to win 100 000 SEK.  Gå till mixen = Go to the mix (press) and when you get to the site just press rösta = vote. Or better still join and you have a chance to win too.