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Visar inlägg från november 11, 2009

Happy, happy

Today was a happy day! Why? Because I went to see my coach and I really had this aha-moment which was great. Also yesterday I was thinking that I needed an education to be able to handle my work better. So I had done my research and had everything ready to present for my consultant. I first told my coach about the idea and she thought it was excellent and came with me when I presented it. My consultant immediately said yes and I was so happy. I think my coach was as happy :-) So what is this course I need you might ask. I will tell you then. It's a course to really know the economic computerprogram I'm workin in which is Visma SPCS and this particular program is Visma administration 500. I have never had proper training and is slowly learning myself but it's better to really learn and also get some tips and shortcuts. The Trygghetsstiftelse is paying for this and also travel and hotel which is great. Yes, of course the courses in Stockholm was full so I have to go outside a...