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Visar inlägg från december 1, 2008

December but looks like November

It's so grey and foggy outside and it never was light today. This is the darkest time of the year but if we are lucky we can have snow but all the snow that came last week is gone. It feels like you're never quite awake. It's like I always say in November we should gon intor hibernation and not come out until March or whenever spring comes. You are constantly tired, have headache and feel miserable. Three or four weeks with warmth and sunshine wouldn't be completely wrong :-) I have begun the process of emptying my room at work. It takes time because among my private things I found calenders dated back to 1990 so it's a trip down memory lane looking at those. I have the habit of making small notes every other day which has brought back so many things. My room is to be emptied by December 30 and I hope I will have finished by then but it's hard. Every class that has ever graduated at our school have made some art with all the pupils portraits on and they are tru...