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Visar inlägg från juni 4, 2008

Sweden Rock festival, H.E.A.T+ Peter Stormare

Above is a photo of me at the Opera terrace during intermission of the opera Cinderella by Rossini. Me and my friend C went on the premiere of the opera this Saturday. It was really funny and I both laughed and cried (I'm so easily moved both by the music and of course with happy ends that I can't help crying). It's already Wednesday and Sweden Rock festival has started, without me though but of course with H.E.A.T. They will play on Saturday which is great. J went down yesterday with JJ. The rest of the band is coming down today. Don't you know what SRF is? Check this out: Almost all of the other parents are there but I'm going to Varberg Spa with my sister H and her nurse C. I'm so in need of this. It's like I never was away, although it isn't that long ago I was in LA. Check out the Spa that won first prize as the best Spa in Europe a couple of years ago There has been so much going on. ...