Fortsätt till huvudinnehåll


Visar inlägg från september 8, 2009


On Friday I got a call from a former colleague that has started his own business. He needed one to take care of all administration halftime and had been recommended me by others. I went there Monday morning and he hired me!!! Isn't that great news? I know that you who read Facebook already knows this but for all others it might be news. I'm so happy about this. Not only do I know him, it's my former place of work although in different localities, I get to work between 7.30-11.30 which is great workinghours I think. I start Monday 14, just one day before my 55th birthday! The business is to Energydeclare buildings as consultant but also to educate future energyconsultants. The firm is called Energi & Utbildning i Sverige AB (Energy & Education in Sweden AB) EUIS . So that made me very happy yesterday. Something that didn't make me happy was the pain I have in my right shoulder, arm and back. It hurt so much that I'm on painkillers and can just go by. Tomorro...