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Visar inlägg från november 4, 2009

First snow, KOL diagnos, H.E.A.T

We didn't get this much today but this is taken outside our house just a year ago November 24. OK, now I'm officially tired of all these diseases I have to have! I can deal with and have dealt with Sjogren's syndrom, Fibromyalgia, IBS, reflux, migraine, whiplash, asthma, I might have forgotten something but you get the picture. But today I also found out I have KOL (COL) Cronic obstructive lungdisease which isn't a very good diagnose to have. I did smoke before but I stopped smoking January 6, 1997 and my doctor says that is like not having smoked because it has been so long that I should be restored. Hasse also have the diagnose KOL, he also has asthma and he has RA (Rheumatoid arthritis). From being totally healthy to having all this, you can understand his frustration. I am used to having constant pain in my head, neck, joints, stomach every day but some days are worse than others. One thing I think has been worse the last weeks is my fatigue. OK, I do a lot and I...

Do I need a funeralinsurance? With Folksam certainly not.

The question is very appropriate these days since the insurancecompany Folksam have decided to cut their collective so called funeralinsurance for everyone that once took out that insurance. My mother is one of those. Instead of receiving 21 000 SEK she will now only get 12 000SEK!!! Which isn't much and certainly doesn't cover the costs of a funeral. The thing is that she has been paying more than the 21 000 SEK over the years. I don't understand how that can be legal to do so but apparantly it is. Now Folksam is offering the effected people to take out another insurance to cover for this one?!?!? Are they totally out of their mind. So my question still is Do I need a funeralinsurance? I think I do. But I would never take one from Folksam. What else is new? I went to see my coach today something which is alway educating and nice. I learn a lot both about myself but also how to make a good impression in interview situations and also how to write the, almost, perfect CV. Now...