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Visar inlägg från december 13, 2013

OK, now I'm sick instead

Good advice Jo and I have taking it easy but of course then I got ill. So despite feeling bad on Monday I went to the Christmas concert which was just wonderful and magical. The next day I had the day off (good of me) but wasn't feeling well. I had a headache, coughed a lot, was shivering - well you got the picture. But the next day of course I went to work. I had to do all the invoicing, the salaries for December (I don't think anyone would have liked it not being paid this month) and so on. So I was at work at 05.20AM (I couldn't sleep so I thought I could go and work instead) already and I worked hard until I was done at 1.30PM. Then home and as I suspected I had fever. So I drank hot water with ginger and honey and that's about what I have had to eat the last days. Today I was down to my doctor's to take some bloodtests before meeting with my Dr Christer next week. Well, one of the tests, the CRP (which shows infections) was so high that the nurse got me a do...