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Visar inlägg från januari 21, 2010

Job interview

  Job interview at IKEA. Hopefully not me tomorrow ;-) Yes, that's right. I'm going on a job interview tomorrow. The first real one on 25 years I think. I'm really excited because it's the first job I applied for and the application deadline isn't until January 31. I went to see my coach yesterday and that was really really good since she coached me a lot about the interview. Kind of a roleplay. Very useful I think, since she has worked with recruiting people for many years. I will of course keep you updated in this. I do have several job applications out there so hopefully there will be a job for me :-) I have had a kind of busy week and that's why I haven't written for a couple of days. It's a hard job being out of work. My day starts around 7.30AM when I go up and have breakfast (I do treat me with sleeping that late because when I work I usually go up at 5.30) After breakfast straight to the computer - logg on to the Employment office and see i...