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Job interview

 Job interview at IKEA. Hopefully not me tomorrow ;-)
Yes, that's right. I'm going on a job interview tomorrow. The first real one on 25 years I think. I'm really excited because it's the first job I applied for and the application deadline isn't until January 31.
I went to see my coach yesterday and that was really really good since she coached me a lot about the interview. Kind of a roleplay. Very useful I think, since she has worked with recruiting people for many years.
I will of course keep you updated in this. I do have several job applications out there so hopefully there will be a job for me :-)

I have had a kind of busy week and that's why I haven't written for a couple of days. It's a hard job being out of work. My day starts around 7.30AM when I go up and have breakfast (I do treat me with sleeping that late because when I work I usually go up at 5.30) After breakfast straight to the computer - logg on to the Employment office and see if there are any jobs to apply for or if any employer have shown interested in my profile. If there is an interesting 50% job there I write an application and send it together with my CV.
Then I look through the recruitingagencys where I have my CV and see if there are any jobs on those.
So this is a job that takes until lunch with just a coffeebreak. In the afternoons I also have things to do, of course.

On Monday we had a planning meeting with the Rheumatic association and they came up with the brilliant idea if I don't get a job I can have a job at the office practising. This would actually be rather perfect. We can't pay anything since we don't have economy for it but you can get a paid practice from the Employment office. So this is yet another way of getting a job.

On Tuesday morning I actually went to the Employment office for a so called "base information" which was the most horrid thing I've been to I think. We were treated like children that didn't know anything, or maybe retarded. And I think it all ended up in us having to understand we have to do like they tell us otherwise we wouldn't get any money?!?! So next meeting is in 10 days and we are then going to "learn the Employment offices website". Hello, as if we didn't know it already! He said everyone had to be there otherwise no money. The only reason to not being there was a jobinterview or if you worked. But if you have an appointment with your doctor, or is going to do some sort of operation or something I asked. And he said that's not a reason for not being there as he said it's much easier to get a doctor's appointment than going to the Employment office?!?!!? We were 3 ladies in the same row and we just shook our heads wondering if this was for real but apparantly it is.

As I told you before I saw my coach yesterday and in the afternoon I saw my doctor. I have too high sugarlevel in my blood and have now started to eat medicine for it. Apparantly my whole metabolic system is striking at the moment which probably is due to everything that has happened and this is the way my body deals with it. I would have preferred another way but as I keep hearing all the time from doctors: You would have been a survivor during the stoneage.
OK, great but I'm living in the 21th century. Can someone please tell my body that?

After the interview tomorrow I'm going to visit Mom. It's hard to squeeze that in now with all the activities going on, but tomorrow I'm going there.

I will let you know how it went but now I'm ready for some TV ;-) How about you?


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Peter Stormare, Martin Stenmarck

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WOW!!! I just have to say Wow!

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I wonder if anyone can see and read my blogg? I haven't had any comments in so long that's why I ask. Erik didn't win a Grammy last night but he had a blast and he and his fiancé looked just great! Another Swede, Ludwig Göransson, won 3 prices though. Congrats to him.