Today is 1st Advent and though my back is still hurting I could get through our traditional celebrations.
That is we invite the H.E.A.T family including the guys, girlfriends, parents, siblings and other friends ;-)
This year they could actually be here almost all of them. Last year, if you remember, they were recording their record and couldn't attend.
Some of the guys from H.E.AT with girlfriends |
Then only one and his family that couldn't come today was Erik G and his family but that is because he turns 25 tomorrow and they were having a family celebration for him. HAPPY BIRTHDAY in advance Erik
Me, Hasse, Dave, Annie, Bernt and Brita |
The first guests arrived at 1PM and the last ones left at 4.15PM but it was never crowded because people came and left at different times. At one time all 30 were in place and it was crowded but oh so nice. Lot of chatting, drinking glögg which were everything from 0% alcohol til much more.....
Also I had coffee, "snittar" filled with horseradish-cheese and ham, and another sort filled with Skagenröra.
I had as you might saw before also baked safronbuns, I had gingerbread and of course a lot of candy :-)
The coffe and glöggtable before everyone came |
Some of the Christmas candy |
All in all a very good day. Tomorrow is working day as usual and I do hope my back will be better by then.
Take care now out there in the snow and let's continue to celebrate.
Looks like a great party, lots of food and people and fun! Did you all sing too? :)
hey! you forgot to state that combining the "snittar" was good (atleast I thought so) :)
SvaraRaderaNope Jo, no-one sang although we had so many artists there :-) But we chatted so much that I think we wouldn't even have heard it ;-)
SvaraRaderaYes, I did forgot that Danniel but on the other hand you were the only one who dared trying it :-)
yeah, wich is too bad, since the combining of those two snittar was really good. You must try it :)