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BIRTHDAY, H.E.A.T, E.R and more...

Some of the wonderful flowers I got
And some more

Last week didn't start out well. On Monday I woke up and could hardly walk. I had such pain every step I tried to take. But off to work anyway. Tuesday even worse so I went to the doctor's office and asked to borrow crutches. Wednesday at work jumping on crutches, that must have been a sight ;-)
But when I came home from work Wednesday I had fever so I went to bed quite early but didn't sleep well because of the constant pain.
Thursday morning I woke up and had fever so I called the hospital and they said I had to go to the E.R.
I hate that and if I can I always try to avoid it. But I was in so much pain I had to. I came and after a while they took bloodtests, urine and then I sat in a kind of smallish room. After being there for about 3 hours a doctor came and said I probably should see and orthopedic and not a medicine doctor.
After one more hour another doctor came and said my bloodtest showed I had an infection. By that time we were, in my small room, 3 people. One young man who had "died" but been brought back and an older man who had fainted and thrown up and in the fall hurt his face and elbow.
How is that for patient integrity? Or how about the privacy? Here we were 3 total strangers who had to tell the doctors everything about our illness past and present!! I don't like it at all!
They gave me antibiotics but wanted me to stay another 7 hours so I could talk to a orthopedic! Never I said, and they said I released myself against doctors orders. I did and when I got out of the room I had been in I was actually glad I had been there because outside was chaos. People, some very ill, laid in beds all over, in the corridor, in booths and it was totally crowded.
I'm glad I went home :-) I have today been to my ordinary doctor and he wrote a referral to see a orthopedic.
All my three sons, Mandy and Hasse
Then on Saturday it was my birthday! I love birthdays and I had so much fun this year although being sick and in pain. I had lot of visitors in the afternoon, I got beautiful bouqets of flower and all my sons came for dinner and of course my daughter-in-law (she's not really but she lives with my son Jonas so I regard her as my d-i-l) My sister called from USA early in the morning which was very nice because we don't talk that often and we see each other even more seldom, due to distance. It was so nice to hear her voice and if I could and if I had the money I would go there again soon. Some day I hope we all will meet here or in Spain (I'm not sure any of them will like our weather here).
 My lovely sister Jo
Then of course over 100 of my Facebook friends sent birthday greetings which I highly appreciate. Some of them like my nieces in US and Spain I don't see that often and Facebook is great in letting us stay connected. I have friends all over the place, many of the H.E.A.T fans who I have met on concerts here and abroad and we have become friends. I love this big H.E.A.T-family :-)

This Friday I'm going to Norrköping with my sister Helen. We are staying overnight at hotel and in the evening we will go to a concert called "The best of rock and pop" with my friends Peter Johansson, Matilda Hansson, Nina Söderquist and also Tommy Nilsson (who I've never met)
I'm expecting a great evening. The venue is sold out and we are on the 1st row.

Then of course H.E.A.T will play in Gothenburg and Stockholm and I for sure will be there at least in Stockholm :-) Here's a poster of the event. Be sure to be there! It's gonna be magical.


  1. I hope you are feeling better!

    1. I feel a little bit better and I sure hope it will keep that way since I want to go to Norrköping for the concert. It's the same that performed on our jubilee dinner and they are so talanted. Peter is a killer when it comes to singing Queen. He played Galileo in We will rock you in London for 3 years.
      I'm so looking forward to that.
      How are you getting on? Do you feel a lot better with your knee yet? I sure hope so.
      Take care, love you <3

  2. That is what happens with socialized medicine, which is a big reason not to vote for Obama.
    I think it's lovely you had your 3 sons with youy on your birthday too.
    Get better and slow down a bit, OK? lol

    1. I try to get better but the slow down bit is the most difficult. My doctor just sighed when I said I had been working all this time (and I still am).
      I so want to go to Norrköping so on Thursday I will behave, relax and just take it easy :-)

      Take care you too. Love you and send you big hugs <3


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