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Visar inlägg från november 8, 2009

Father's Day

Today it's Father's Day here in Sweden and of course I have celebrated Hasse (although he's not my Dad but the boys aren't here in the morning). I got him 2 gift certificate, one to Clas Ohlsson and one to Dressman. That way he can choose himself what he wants to have :-) Jonas is soon coming over for dinner. Danniel called last night and had a bad cold or flu, don't know which one but his coughing didn't sound good. I hope he gets well soon. Emil, we don't know, he was here yesterday and said he didn't felt well either so we have to see if he comes. I'm anyway making tacos for dinner. It has been a long while since we ate that so I think we all will enjoy it. I make everything myself which makes it taste best (in my opinion). After that I will prepare for tomorrow. Workday and straight after work I'm going to a "smyckesloppis" (jewellery second hand) at the Rheumatic assocation. That should be a lot of fun. I get rid of things I'm...