Today it's only 3 days left to Firefest in Nottingham and me seeing H.E.A.T with their new leadsinger Erik for the first time. I'm very excited since I have seen some videos from the gig in Germany and it promises to be very good!! But first things first. On Friday evening me and my good friend Carina went to the grand opening of Andrea Chénier at the Royal Opera. Many celebrities enjoyed together with us this wonderful opera. I had never heard of it before and I wasn't pleasantly surprised. It's set during the French revolution and in the first scene there is a big party with the nobility when suddenly lots of poor people come and they take the servant Gérard with them and he becomes one of the leaders of the revolution. Andrea Chénier who is a poet falls in love with the daughter of the house and of course Gérard also are in love with her. You get the picture. Beautiful music, a great tenor and soprano and a devine conductor. All in all a wonderful premier. Fro...
My life with music mostly H.E.A.T the best hardrockband in my opinion, food, recipes, my family, travels and more. The photo is from the Rockboat october 2014 when H.E.A.T played. Great photo by Pär Altan