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Visar inlägg från november 24, 2008


This past 24 hours has been filled with snow and more snow and on top of it very strong winds both full storm and in some cases hurricanewinds. I took some photos earlier and I post them here so you can see for yourself. They are taken on our frontyard, on our street (so you see they haven't plowed yet) and in front of our house and as you can see it's still snowing! I both love and hate the snow. Well, not the snow itself but the concequences that it can cause. Especially in traffic. When it snows this much they can't manage to keep the roads clean from it so for instance yester day and today Norrtalje was almost isolated. No buses could go to Stockholm and they warned people to go by car. But if you could stay inside or just go for a walk it's actually quite beautiful. I'm going to my Mom tomorrow morning in rush hour and I'm not happy at all about this weather then. But she has an appointment with the Rheumatologist and I have to go with her because since sh...