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Visar inlägg från januari 27, 2012

Sick :-(

Well, I told you last that I was feeling so tired. Well, I got the explanation when I on Tuesday had 39,5 C fever. I wasn't feel well at all. Could hardly walk because my lymph glands was so swollen. Infection of course but as usual I have no idea where. Next morning, no fever! So I went to work. Came to work at 6.30 AM as usual. Worked for 2 hours and then I was off to my annual occupatioanl health care control! My BP was excellent, my heart was a bit too slow but the EKG perfect. I do hear bad on one ear and of course my usual. But of course the blood tests I don't know what they said. Maybe the Sed rate was high. I'm going to see the doctor Febr 14 so I will know then. Anyway after that back to work and then a budget meeting at the Rheumatic association which went very well. I also had time to visit my friend Christina who has a chocolate and coffee shop nearby. She has the most tasty coffee ever! Doesn't this looks sinfully good? I can tell you it is!   Yester...