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Visar inlägg från mars 3, 2013

Vasalopp Sunday

  Here's some of the skiers on their way up the first hill Nothing much has happened this week. Just ordinary stuff like working, cooking etc. I did go to my hairstylist,  Suzanne Clausen on Wednesday and you might have seen my new hairdo on Facebook. I really liked the new color. I have very light highlights in the hair which makes me look very goldy blond. The night to Wednesday Jonas, Mandy and their friends returned from Thailand. They were supposed to land 0.55AM but didn't arrive until 01.55AM. I was awake until 1 AM watching if the plane would be more delated. Hasse was the one going out to Arlanda fetching them. They had had a great time and Jonas strongly recommended us to go there. I don't know, I'm more drawn to going west :-) Wonder why ;-) From Thailand - doing faces :-) Anyway today is one of Sweden's big days. Vasalopp day. I'm not sure you have heard of it? It's a skirace over 90 km! Yes that is the longest skirace the...