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As I told you last time I went to Linköping to attend a Christmas concert which my friend Matilda has every year. Sometimes with her cousin Peter but last year and this year without him. But this year she instead had David Lindgren who is a great artist - singer, dancer, musical and more.
The had a great chemistry on stage and although Matilda had a cold she sang like an angel. You could hear the rasp in the lower registry but up on the high notes you didn't heard it at all.

The concert was so great. All the traditional Christmas carols and songs and some that weren't Christmas at all. Matildas uncle Janne (Peter's father) played the accordion and he's a master of that. Then there were the children. Peter's two children who are adorable, and also the children of the singers in the choir - all of them cousins! Yes it is a family show.

And if you bought a CD you got a lottery (I only had one) and they did the draw in the interval and revealed the result in the second act. There were two prices - second and first. And guess who won first price? Yes ME! I was so happy I just stood up and screamed YES raising my hands in an triumphant gesture :-)Because do you know what I won?
4 tickets for the musical Ghost on January 19 in the best seats in the theatre. I had no trouble finding friends that wanted to go.
2 tickets for the summer concerts
2 tickets for Diggiloo which is concerts all over Sweden in the summer with several great artists. Also included is meet and greet with the artists.
So you could say my summer is rescued :-)

We stayed at a great hotel in Linköping, Clarion Collection Slottsbacken, and they were really truly all about service. They fixed so we could eat earlier since we needed to go to the concert early. They let me have an indoor garage for free and they couldn't have been nicer. The room was great too with a view over the castle. Beds really comfy.

On our way home I decided to show my friend the place where we have been so many times this summer Sund Nergården which is own and run by two wonderful men. I didn't know if they would be there but we took a chance. They were home and they were so nice and invited us in for coffee. Their place is a paradise and it's so calming and peaceful there. We sat down while they treated us with coffee and as we call it here "gofika" which means coffee with cakes and stuff. Niklas Mom was there too - a wonderful sweet lady - and their two dogs, Margit and Emil (they are French bulldogs)
We stayed there for more than two hours then leaving to go to the farm next door and buy some of the best meat I've eaten. When we came to the farm they treated us with glögg and hot dog :-)

Sunday was a day to rest and I started to feel bad again. I don't know what it is with December. I always get ill. I am on antibiotics since last Wednesday but maybe I picked up some virus when on the concert because now I'm worse. We are supposed to have Christmas party tonight with my work but I can't go. I have been up since 2AM with asthma and I'm TIRED so I will not go. I'm here at work to finish everything before going on Christmas leave. I will be home until January 2 so almost 2 weeks. Hopefully I will get well during that time...

And of course the big event this week was on Monday when my sister Jo turned 75! I can't believe that. She doesn't look 75 at all. Much younger. She and her daughters are in Savannah for the celebration. I did send her a birthday gift but I suppose she won't get it until she returns home (but I think it will come to her mail but I'm not sure).
Anyway a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Jo. I'm so glad we found each other although late in life.


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