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Recap 2015

Since many does a recap of 2015 - here's mine.
One of this year's many highlights, Matilda, me and Peter after their summer concert
January: Dinner with my sister's family on the 2nd, 
Dinner with our friends on the 9th. 
Gunilla's birthday the 15th 
The Rheumatic association work started the 15th as well. 

February: 3 birthdays this month: Klara, our grandchild 5th
Danniel turned 40 (!) 15th
and Bianca 19 16th
She and Klara are the same age.  
Went to my friend Anne in Norrtalje 5th
Visited Malin, Alexander, Tuva, Henrik and Amanda in Norrköping where the guys played hockey 20-21th
Had dinner with my work 24th. 
Went to annual meeting and sat as secretary with my local
rheumatic association 26th

March: Malin turned 24 on the 2nd. 
Dinner at Wenngarn castle on the 4th. 
Went to Norrtalje the 5th 
Theatre Bristol for lunchtheatre on the 6th.
I was invited to lunch at Artipelag on the 12th, gorgeous place.
Helen and I saw a "dance on roses" at the Metropol 14th
I and my work went on a study trip to Berlin (which I have arranged and booked) 20-24th

April: Birthdays (!) Hasse, Anne, Tommy on the 7th, 
Jonas 30 on the 17th
Marvin 75 on the 21th
Between that meetings
Overnight meeting at Torpa hotel 23-25
Visit to Norrtalje 29th

May: Christening of our great grandchild on the 2nd in Gävle. 
My work celebrated 10 year-jubilee with a great outdoor event 7th
Emil turned 28 on the 9th
I had throughout this year and since last September planned and arranged a big celebration that took place in Hagaparken on the 23d in order to celebrate the National Rheumatic association's 70th birthday. This was the big thing this month with lot of work but also so fun.
On the 27nd me and Hasse went to Helsinki on a luxury cruise to relax 27-29
Returning home I was one of the delegates for the annual National Rheumatic association meeting the last weekend of May 29-31

June: Sandy's birthday on the 5th. 
Bianca, my niece, graduated high school on the 5th.
H.E.A.T played at Kungsträdgården on the 7th and me and Hasse went to listen.
Me and Hasse celebrated 30 year of marriage on the 8th and stayed at Grand Hotel in a luxury suite 7-8th
Invited to lunch and showing of Skytteholm 11th.
Klara, our grandchild, graduated high school in Gavle 12th
Vacation on Gotland the last two weeks of June 18-28

July: Vacation!
Svärdsjö at Gunilla and Per with Allsång 4-5
Elite Marina Tower our favorite hotel 6-8
Malmö visiting my Mom's cousin and taking road trips around Scania 9-14
Väsby rock festival 17
Åbo luxury cruise 19-20
Old Linköping and summer concert St Anna 22-24
1000 island cruise 30th

August: Helen turned 52 8th
Mother-son day with Jonas to Sandhamn with Strömma kanal 14th
Hadirajafestival in Knivsta 15th
"Mother in law- daughter in law day" with Mandy to the island of Möja in the archipelago 23d
Linnea birthday and we had lunch here for her 26th then we went on
Birka luxury cruise 26-27 
Straight our of the ship to the Royal Opera for AW with my work 27th
Mandy 24 on the 29th

September: Doctor 1st
Board meeting conference Torpa 3-5
Budgetgroup 10th
Concert in S:t Erik's church with Viktoria Tocca 11th
Half marathon 12th Jonas ran and was just great!
Birthday dinner 13th 
My birthday 15th
Såstaholm to celebrate my birthday with Hasse. Wonderful room and gorgeous dinner
Lunch Jonas 27th 

October: Tuva turned 1 
The Royal Opera with my friend Carina 7th
Brunch with Helen and then the musical Jersey boys 11th
Tyrol Mamma Mia on the 12th which I couldn't attend due to heavy dizzines, sad, sad.
Gothenburg concert "I love musicals" with Helen. Train down, staying at Elite Park 17-18
Chairmen conference at Rosersberg 23-24
Dinner and musical at Göta Lejon 29th

November: Course in HR and payroll 3-4
Hamburger Börs - lunch and the show Alcazar with Helen 14th
Lizzie's birthday on the 19th
Meeting with Viktoria Väsby city 21th
Lunch and viewing of Nynäsgården 25th
Lunch with my friend Inger and her children (our "grandchildren")
Meeting with our auditor at work 30th

December: Lunch discussing the new organization 3d
Christmas celebration at the Rheumatic association for our elected trustees 4th
Elite Marina Tower with Hasse - Christmas smörgåsbord and overnight staying 5-6
Linköping - Christmas concert with Peter and Matilda 10-11
"Glöggmingel" (mulled wine mingle) with our neighbors on Lucia 13th
Christmas party with my work at NOGA (Nordic Gastronomy) Oh how good! We cooked ourselves of course.
Jo 72 on the 17th 
Christmas Eve at home
Christmas Day in Gavle with almost everyone - 20 people and that's just the closest and we still missed 3.
The rest of the year a bad cold!

Over and above all this mentioned there has also been, of course, the usual Monday cookings for work, all meetings, doctor appointments etc.

Now I'm curious to see what 2016 has installed for me. I know we have some big things coming up. First of all Gunilla turns 50 (!) January 15. Then we have Hasse 75 (!) and also Mandy 25.


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