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October is almost over and we are officially on winter time

Yes, you read it right. We turned our clocks back 1 hour Saturday night so now it's wintertime which means it's a bit lighter in the morning but darker much faster in the afternoon.
In the music bar on board the train. Anders playing

In a way I love this time of year. You can cuddle up in the sofa with a nice blanket, light candles, read a good book or watch TV without feeling guilty that you're not out.  Also the air is fresh and crisp which I love, no mosquitos or wasps, perfect!!

                       Can you see who is behind me on the orange poster at Scandinavium?
Three of the artists, Peter, Helen and Norm

I haven't written since September 26 and that has a lot of reasons. One is that I have had so much to do another that I haven't been feeling well so I took the decision not to write for a while but rest from the blog.

During this month I have been to the Opera. Me and my opera friend didn't like it at all so we actually left during the first intermission. It has only happened once before in 8 years. We said to each other: We are really Verdi and Puccini girls.

At the theatre Jersey boys
A couple of days later me and my sis Helen went to the theatre to watch Jersey boys but before that we had brunch at a very nice hotel. Jersey boys was just fabulous with great songs and singers like Peter Johansson, Bruno Mitsogiannis, David Lindgren and Robert Rydberg. The musical really made you smile.

The next day I was to go to an event I had been looking forward to for so long. My friend Anna who is singer/songwriter and much more had connections and had fixed us a place to, before everyone else, watch Mama Mia - the party. They have turned a restaurant at Grona Lund (amusement park) Tyrol into a Greek tavern and there the whole musical takes place. It includes a 3-course dinner and you are like guests on the tavern. After work I met with my friend for a coffee before heading to Tyrol. As I was sitting there talking I suddenly got all dizzy and again the feeling of being drunk although I hadn't had any alcohol. We went to my car and sat for one hour me hoping the dizziness would calm down but no. So we ended up meeting Anna telling her the sad news and then my friend drove me home and then Hasse drove her home. I slept for a good 14 hours and luckily I had taken the day off the following day.

When I was to the nurse to have my B12 shot I told her about this and that is was the second time in 3 weeks. She looked in my ears and I had a earwax (big one) in my right ear so she gave me a doctor appointment the following week (last week). 

Meanwhile me and Helen went to Gothenburg to go to the concert I love musicals with Peter Joback (who played the Phantom in New York two years ago), Helen Sjoholm, a wonderful musical artist, Norm Lewis (the first black man playing the role of the Phantom in New York) and Emma Christensen who will play Christine in Stockholm next year (currently in that role in London).
A wonderful evening followed by a good nights sleep at Elite Parke aveny where we got a 2 room suite with views of Liseberg. To and from we went by the train Blå Tåget (blue train and it's actually blue). It's an old train that has been renovated to top standard but with the old charm intact. Personal, friendly almost familiar with a restaurant like in old times with white linen cloths and napkins. With food that you order and are made on board by chefs. With a music bar with live music and nice lounge furniture. In the future when I go to Gothenburg I will for sure only take this train!

Last week I went to the doctor with my ear and he said the nurses should flush it out with water. She started and after a little while I got so dizzy, again, that she had to stop. Luckily at my health care center they have a ear specialist so he took me in at once. He then tried to suck it out but it didn't work so he used some kind of instrument to remove it, but it's finally out and hopefully my problems are over. This was the first time in my life I had this!

Friday and Saturday was chairmen conference at Rosersberg, my old workplace. It's always nice to meet my old workmates but also to meet all the chairmen (or rather women) around Stockholm. But it takes on you. I was so tired Friday night that I went to bed right after dinner and on Saturday I came home at 3.30PM and just relaxed which I did yesterday as well.

This week I have an appointment with my hairstylist on Wednesday. On Thursday I'm going to the theatre, yes yet another musical. On Friday one of our grandchildren will come over and I have a "date" with my podiatrist. Saturday the boys are coming over for Helloween dinner.

I hope it won't take as long before I write again. Take care everyone!


  1. It's good they finally found out what was wrong with you, wax in your ear can affect your balance. Glad that has been taken care of and hopefully you won't have anymore dizziness. Kramm :)


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