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New month,Easter Eve, Berlin and more

Wonderful trip to Berlin with my work. We left on March 20, the day of the solar eclipse.
Great trip down with plus tickets which meant that some of us had 3 breakfasts that morning - at home, in the lounge and on the plane :-)
The Reichtags
Transfer worked perfectly with a bus, to our hotel, that I booked from Sweden. We didn't get our rooms so we went out on town before heading to the Reichtags for lunch at the top roof restaurant Käfer. That lunch was the best we had in Berlin! Super good and gorgeous views. 
The Dome on the Reichtags, if you look closely you will see me.
The Dome
Hard security check, of course, before we could head up. I had to give all our names and data long before we arrived. Probably so they could check us out.
The view from my balcony
Brandenburger Tor
The TV-tower
On Unter den Linden

After a wonderful lunch we headed out on town again. To Brandenburger Tor, Tiergarten, Unter den Linden and then I headed home totally exhausted but the other continued.
At the hotel I had to make sure everyone had a smooth and fast check-in (which they had when they got back) I wanted a list of our room numbers so I could go if needed for any reason.

We had booked in advance in the hotel restaurant, Tapas bar, because we just wanted something light after the 3-course lunch. It was a lot of food. I didn't remember ordering any of it but I had.
It was OK but not very good.
The new church at Kaiser Wilhelm kirche

Since we had level rooms we had access to the level lounge which turned out to be great. It was our meeting point morning or evening. We had breakfast there. All day long you could have coffe or tea or a soda. At 3 PM it was afternoon tea and at 6PM it was evening buffet and drinks.

Jonny Depp
MJ the one and only
The day after we went on a cruise on the river Spree. Wonderful but a grey and windy day. You get to see a lot in 3 hours. We also had lunch on board. 
After that I went home to the hotel and the others had a architect guided tour for 3 hours.
And then concert at the Berliner Philharmonic. So a quite exhausting day. I with 2 others didn't attend the concert but went to Brechts which is a restaurant by the river Spree. Wonderful food, I had wienerschnitzel, and nice enviroment where we even had piano music during dinner. And even a Swedish speaking waitress :-)

Me at Mme Tussauds
Next day we had different programmes and I and two others went to the TV-tower but when realizing it was 45 minutes wait to buy tickets we took the S-bahn to the Zoo instead and went to the Kaiser Wilhelm kirche that was bombed during WWII but still stands with the bell tower. Then Kurfürstendamm and walking. Back to the hotel and dinner at Hackescher Höfe.

Last day I actually went to Mme Tussauds in Berlin. Very nice but very different from the one in London. We flew back at night and I took the day off Tuesday.

On Wednesday work as usual and in the evening first meeting with volunteers for the Hagaday.
We made sandwiches for them and in total we were 40 people. It's getting nearer and is only 1 1/2 month away now.

Next day statutory meeting with the new elected board.

Friday I went for foot care which was needed. The rest of the day and Saturday I took it easy.

On Sunday I cooked for work - Taco gratin with salat, guacomole, different types of nachips and tubs.
For dessert a cocotoscachocolatecake.

This Monday I went to the allergy doctor about my reaction to the medication I had a month ago. They also tested me for wasps and bees. Apparantly bees are OK and wasp I get toxic reaction to.
I will also go back and they will try out a new medicine for me. It's for my inflammations and they will need to have me there for a day. They will give me the medicine and then measure and watch what happens. They will check BP, pulse, heart and also if I get rash or get swollen.

Wednesday my shot with Mekobalamin.
My plate
Some of the Easter food

My family, love them

Yesterday I made food for today. I made a salmoncheesecake which was very good. First time I made it. Then I had a hot smoked salmon with potatoes and a cold green sauce, of course Swedish meatballs, herring, salat and asparagus omelette. For dessert just fresh strawberries cut in pieces together with apple. Yummie-cookies to the coffe and then we were full :-)

HAPPY EASTER to everyone!


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