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Yummie cookies and snow, and more snow....

My niece S in Salt Lake City posted a photo from a park in her town that pretty much looked like spring. SLC have similar weather to us here in Upplands Vasby but this winter it seems to differ. It has been snowing here now for 3 days and we have quite a lot of snow. Look at the photos here and compare that to my photos :-) Quite a contrast!

Park in Salt Lake City
This is our courtyard and yes we still have our tree because of the light and because we have a blackbird living under it :-)

Outside and our mailbox

Looking down the street

So quite different from the photo from SLC. Here I think they said we will have 6 weeks of winter. OK I don't mind as long as it's nice and sunny on May 23. There have been years when we have had snow in June even!

One of my favorite cookies and also for many others in my family. I call them Yummie cookies because they are so good :-)

Yummie cookies
16 st
113 g smält smör
150 g krossade Digestive
90 g kokosflingor
170 g ljus choklad
100 g hackade pekannötter (jag tog pekan- och valnötter)
1 burk kondenserad mjölk

Värm ugnen till 175 grader och placera ugnsgallret mitt i ugnen.
Klä en liten långpanna (23x23 ca) med bakplåtspapper.

Smält smör och häll i långpannan. Krossa Digestivekexen och strö krosset i ett jämnt lager över smöret. Strö kokos över smulorna. Strö hackad choklad över kokoslagret. Strö nötter över chokladen. Häll till sist över den kondenserade mjölken över alla ingredienserna. Blanda INTE IHOP ingredienserna. De ska ligga i lager på lager.
(OBS! Förbered gärna alla ingredienser i små skålar så går det fortare och lättare vid lager-på-lager momentet)
Grädda kakan i 30-35 minuter tills stickan kommer upp torr när du provar i kakans mitt. Låt kakan svalna i formen och skär sedan i rutor.
Förvara i kylskåp eller frys in.

In English:
Yummie cookies 16 pieces
113 g melted butter
150 g of crushed Digestive
90g desiccated coconut
170g milk chocolate
100g chopped pecans (I took pekan- and walnuts)
1 can of condensed milk

Preheat oven to 175 degrees and place oven rack in middle of oven.
Line a small roasting pan (23x23 approx) with parchment paper.

Melt the butter and pour into pan. Crush Digestive and sprinkle nibs in an even layer over the butter. Sprinkle coconut over the crumbs. Sprinkle chopped chocolate over coconut layer. Sprinkle nuts over the chocolate. Finally pour  the condensed milk over all the ingredients. Do not mix up the ingredients. They should lie in layers.

(NOTE: Prepare all ingredients in small bowls so it's quicker and easier when you do the layer-by-layer )

Bake for 30-35 minutes until the stick comes up dry when you try the cake in the middle. Let the cake cool in the pan and then cut into squares.

Store in the refrigerator or freeze.

Try this and enjoy, they are dangerously delicious!! 

Until next time - take care and be nice to one another especially if you are out in the traffic.


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