I promised I would give you the dessert recipe as well and here it is:
Froozen cheesecake in a pot :-) It's kind of messy to do, lot of mixing but the result is so good.
Froozen cheesecake in a pot :-) It's kind of messy to do, lot of mixing but the result is so good.
Froozen cheesecake (ca
6-8 port)
3 ägg
1,5 dl
2 tsk
200 g Philadelphia
3 dl
Ca 10 st
digestivekex kex
50 g
Samt 1
form med löstagbar kant ca 20-26 cm i diameter.
digestivekexen. Jag brukar lägga dem i en fryspåse och sen kavla sönder dem med
brödkaveln. Smält 50 g smör och blanda ner kexsmulorna i smöret och rör om.
Tips! Du
kan använda samma visp och krokar om du börjar med att vispa äggvitorna!
äggen. Lägg äggulorna i en lite större bunke och häll äggvitorna i en annan
lite mindre bunke. (Den bunken som äggvitorna är i måste vara torr och
äggvitorna till hårt skum.
grädden i en egen bunke. Den ska vara lagom fast.
strösocker och vaniljsocker över äggulorna. Vispa till en ljus fin pösig smet.
Philadelphia osten och blanda till en jämn smet med elvispen på lägsta
därefter ner grädden i äggulssmeten för hand till en jämn smet.
sedan försiktigt med sked eller slickepott ner de vispade äggvitorna.
hälften av kexsmulorna i botten av formen och fördela jämnt. Häll smeten ovanpå
och bred ut den jämnt.
resten av kexsmulorna ovanpå.
Ställ i
frysen minst 4 timmar men det går jättebra att göra dagen innan.
servering: Ta ut den ca 20 minuter innan i rumstemp. Eller i kyl 1 – 1,5 timmar
In English:
Froozen cheesecake (6-8) port
3 eggs
1.5 dl sugar
2 tsp vanilla
200g Philadelphia cheese
3 dl whipping cream
Approximately 10 digestive biscuits
3 eggs
1.5 dl sugar
2 tsp vanilla
200g Philadelphia cheese
3 dl whipping cream
Approximately 10 digestive biscuits
50g butter
As well as 1 form with detachable edge about 20-26 cm in diameter.
Crush the digestive biscuits. I usually put them in a plastic bag and then roll down them with a rolling pin. Melt 50g butter and add the biscuit crumbs in the butter and stir.
As well as 1 form with detachable edge about 20-26 cm in diameter.
Crush the digestive biscuits. I usually put them in a plastic bag and then roll down them with a rolling pin. Melt 50g butter and add the biscuit crumbs in the butter and stir.
Then continue with the mixture:
Tips! You can use the whisk and hooks if you start to whisk the egg whites!
Separate the eggs in yolks and whites. Add the egg yolks in a bigger bowl and pour the egg whites in another smaller bowl. (The bowl egg whites are in must be dry and free of grease!)
Beat egg whites until stiff.
Whip the cream in a separate bowl. It has to be just firm.
Pour the powdered sugar and vanilla sugar over the egg yolks. Beat to a light fine puffy batter.
Add the cream cheese and mix until smooth with electric mixer at low speed.
Then stir in the cream in yolk batter by hand until smooth.
Stir gently the beaten egg whites with a spoon or spatula into the batter.
Add half of the biscuit crumbs in the bottom of the pan and spread evenly. Pour the batter on top and spread it evenly. Sprinkle the rest of the biscuit crumbs on top.
Place in the freezer for at least 4 hours but it is great to do the day before.
When serving: Take it out about 20 minutes before in room temp.
Tips! You can use the whisk and hooks if you start to whisk the egg whites!
Separate the eggs in yolks and whites. Add the egg yolks in a bigger bowl and pour the egg whites in another smaller bowl. (The bowl egg whites are in must be dry and free of grease!)
Beat egg whites until stiff.
Whip the cream in a separate bowl. It has to be just firm.
Pour the powdered sugar and vanilla sugar over the egg yolks. Beat to a light fine puffy batter.
Add the cream cheese and mix until smooth with electric mixer at low speed.
Then stir in the cream in yolk batter by hand until smooth.
Stir gently the beaten egg whites with a spoon or spatula into the batter.
Add half of the biscuit crumbs in the bottom of the pan and spread evenly. Pour the batter on top and spread it evenly. Sprinkle the rest of the biscuit crumbs on top.
Place in the freezer for at least 4 hours but it is great to do the day before.
When serving: Take it out about 20 minutes before in room temp.
Anything else? Yes, today the auditor came and audit last year and I'm happy to inform you that everything went well. He had nothing to complain about. The book were kept properly and in good order.
Have a nice evening!
Looks delicious :)