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A brand NEW YEAR 2015 - a recap of 2014

Last year, 2014, was filled with work, pleasure and fun. But a lot of hard work and therefore much needed with the pleasure in between.

My favorites this year was my visit to my sister Jo in LA and my 60th birthday which also was kind of sad because none of my sisters were able to attend. On the other hand I had my children, my bonus children and my bonus grandchildren at the party along with lot of musical friends.

January: After 3 weeks off work  I was back with loads of work and a new time tracking system.
Closing the books work started and I was in Gothenburg on a economic course

February: Olympics and Sweden made the best Olympics yet. Danniel had birthday and we all went to dinner at his house. H.E.A.T's first single and video from the new album was released. Saw the opera Salome which was great. Local yearly meeting with the Rheumatic asssociation.

March: H.E.A.T in Madrid supporting Scorpions. Dinner with Rheumatic association at Borsen. VIP-event on Silja line. Opera in Karlstad where Anna played and afterwards dinner with the cast. Snow and spring in the same month. Don Giovanni at the Royal Opera.

April: Media training with the Rheumatic association. Celebrating both Jonas and Hasses birthdays.
Visiting Jo in LA. House concert with my nieces and T. First time ever but oh so fun. Berkley and Hart performed. Met Beau Bridges. Meeting the whole family for Easter. Celebrating Marvin's birthday. Fell in love with Lulu the dog - miss her :-( Miss my whole American family and wish I could visit more often but it's kind of expensive.
H.E.A.T released their new album - Tearing down the walls.

May: Concert with H.E.A.T at Tyrol, Grona Lund amusement park. Dinner with us parents before the concert. H.E.A.T started their first European tour. Politian hearing. Emil 27 years birthday Conference with more media training. Helsinki cruise with Hasse :-) Cracked a nail in two, hurtful and bloody!

June: Summer dinner with work. Funeral of a dear friend, RIP Borje. Mariefred and Taxinge vacation. Yearly congress with the Rheumatic association in Boras. Gotland vacation and celebrating midsummer. Mother and son day with Emil.

July: I visited Malmo and my Mom's cousin Kerstin. Hasse and I stayed 3 days at our favorite hotel and did sightseeing in Stockholm. Mother and son day with Danniel and then Jonas. 
We invited our friends Johnny and Anne for dinner. We went to Svardsjo visiting Gunilla and Pär and also to go to a singalong.
Me and Ingvor went to S:t Anna church to attend a concert with Peter and Matilda. HEAT wave in Sweden.

August: The HEAT wave continues. We went to a luxury cruise to Abo with Danniel and Emil. Forestfire due to hot weather. My sis Helen's birthday. I broke my toes (2).

September: My 60th birthday and the most amazing party just as I wanted, lots of music, singing and fun. H.E.A.T performed and I sang with them. And I sang "Sweet home Alabama" together with Erik G.
Conference with the Rheumatic association(RA) at Torpa in Sodertalje and training to perform with an actress as teacher.

October: Tuva, our great grandchild, was born October 1. We had chairmen conference with the RA (Rheumatic association) H.E.A.T headlined in Chicago and Nottingham. I won the Postcode lottery and was filmed for Swedish TV4. 
Was present at Open House at Karolinska hospital, Rheumatic clinic. 
Me and Helen went on the Rock boat where H.E.A.T played. It took us to Helsinki.

November: We only had 5 hours (!) sunshine in November. That's a record (we don't want to have again).
Went to a concert with my sis Helen. A gift from Anna, who had written all the music, whose concert it was. My 60th gift from her.
Helen's birthday gift to me was SPA, dinner and a luxury hotel stay - nice.
Conference at Marina Tower with the working committee of RA.
Father's Day with all boys home for dinner.
Interview at the Postcode lottery with "Mr Postcode".
Invited to a conference facility as VIP with chocalate tasting, wine tasting, dinner.
H.E.A.T on European tour no 2 which ends Dec 19

December: Another of my 60th presents - the comedy Come again Charlie at Oscar theatre.
Madame Butterfly at the Royal Opera
Christmas concert with Peter and Matilda
Christmas party at RA. 
Christmas party at work. 
Christmas smorgasbord at Elite Marina tower with Hasse and overnight stay in a suite with big windows overlooking the sea and Stockholm.
Christmas Eve at home with family and Pinglan (Helen's dog who we "dogsit" when they are in Dubai).
Christmas Day celebration in Gavle with all of our family up there. Not all could attend but still we were 14.
Then a quiet and peaceful New Year's Eve with good food.

This is a bit of what happened in 2014. Apart from all this I have constantly been on meetings lately most about the big day we are going to have in the Royal Hagapark (where our Crown Princess with family lives) on May 23.

Already a lot of plans for 2015 which I hope will be a success.
Take care everyone and most of all I wish you a HAPPY, HEALTHY NEW YEAR!!




  1. Happy New Year to your and your family! I hope this year is as great for you as 2014 was, you did a lot of things and went to a lot of places :) Just try not to break any more toes ;) Love you, Jo


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