Today is 1st Advent and though my back is still hurting I could get through our traditional celebrations. That is we invite the H.E.A.T family including the guys, girlfriends, parents, siblings and other friends ;-) This year they could actually be here almost all of them. Last year, if you remember, they were recording their record and couldn't attend. Some of the guys from H.E.AT with girlfriends Then only one and his family that couldn't come today was Erik G and his family but that is because he turns 25 tomorrow and they were having a family celebration for him. HAPPY BIRTHDAY in advance Erik Me, Hasse, Dave, Annie, Bernt and Brita The first guests arrived at 1PM and the last ones left at 4.15PM but it was never crowded because people came and left at different times. At one time all 30 were in place and it was crowded but oh so nice. Lot of chatting, drinking glögg which were everything from 0% alcohol til much more..... Also I had coffee, "snittar...
That's something we don't have in common. I used to dislike very much going to school meetings and make plans for the next school year etc. write a new curriculum etc. Even when I was in the leading team I just got bored, just looking forward to going out to dinner and drinking ;)
SvaraRaderaIt looks like Hasse had a very nice Father's Day with all the boys and your cooking. Enjoy the concert!
That's probably my Swedish heritage, planning and meeting. It was a great concert and I'm just filled by it right now.
SvaraRaderaLove you <3