This month is NaBloPoMo in USA and my sis and nieces are really good in doing it. It means you should write something every day this month.
We don't have anything like it here in Sweden and I'm not sure I could cope with it either. There is so much going on and I have a tendency to get very tired when I sit down by the computer :-)
Thursday H.E.A.T shot a music video for their first single on the new album. I'm very excited about it. I have no clue what it's about but I can't wait for the result

Another shot of them and I think it's really cool
Photo by Gustaf Sandholm Andersson
Yesterday me and Hasse went to Gavle. Me and Gunilla was going to a musical "I ljus och mörker" In light and darkness.
So Hasse went along and spent time with his eldest son while we were at the musical. On the way up to Gavle we stopped in Uppsala and picked up Lisa (grandchild) and her boyfriend.
We all had dinner at Gunilla together also with Klara (our youngest grandchild, so far) and her boyfriend. Very nice to meet them all. Only Malin was missing but she was in Vemdalen skiing.
Granddaughters with boyfriends
Preparing dinner
Dinner was delicious, thank you Gunilla :-)
Beautiful setting for the musical, former gasholder. Torches showing the way.
My friend Nina Söderquist who played one of the leading roles
See? is not so hard to write a little once in a while :)
SvaraRaderaNaBloPoMo isn't just in the US! It's on the WORLD wide web. It's open to everyone!