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I'm still here....... ;-)

I know I have been a bad girl not writing for so long but so much has happened and I don't seem to have the strength to write. It has not been all fun and party but of course that too.

When I last wrote I was on my way to New York. Two days before I started to get sick. Hasse had been ill for a while and got antibiotics from his doctor. Fever, coughing and so on. So I asked Helen to prescribe the same for me which she did but since I had the allergic reaction a couple of weeks ago I didn't take any before the flight. Everything went well with the flight. I was upgraded to Business, thank God! I had the wonderful company of a 90-old lady from Sweden who now was both American and Swedish citizen. She had had the most exciting life and she invited me home to her on East Manhattan, river views, for a glass of wine.

We arrived at Hilton New York Midtown which is a huge hotel. We had a suite on the 42nd floor with views over Central Park. Great view and a very spacious suite. We also had complimentary breakfast and evening meal in the executive lounge which was great. We could start our days in peace without having to run out on town and find breakfast.

I didn't feel well at all and the first afternoon we, of course, went down to Times Square but I could hardly walk home :-(

We decided to take a boat sightseeing, the day after, around the whole of Manhattan. It was a great tour and the weather gorgeous but too hot for me. I burnt my skin in the sun, of course! I didn't think I would need sunscreen when visiting a big city.

In the evening we saw the Phantom of the Opera with Swedish Peter Jöback in the leading role as the phantom. We had great seats on the first row and we saw down to the orchestra. We were so close we could even see the actors spit when they sang ;-) How about that for close-up?
Great, great musical which I now have seen 10 times. I never get tired of the wonderful music and the story.

Next day Helen and Bianca went for a 10-hour shopping spree. I then had fever and stayed in the room most of the day. I started the antibiotics and later in the evening I started to feel better. Did I tell you I lost my voice on the flight over to NY. By the time we landed I could hardly speak and when we reached the hotel I had to really try hard to get something out. But after Friday my voice started to come back slowly but steadily.

I did went out for short walks and to eat, but it isn't nice to be sick when you're on just a short stay (5 days). I did go for a walk in Central Park and when I went back I went down 5th Ave for a while. At the beginning of 5ht Ave there is a little park with a fountin and across the street the Apple house. There were these heavily armed policemen, lots of them, police cars and I don't know what. I have no idea what it was all about but I left quickly. Kind of scary.

Anyway Saturday there was a market on 6th Ave which meant they closed the avenue which was full with market stands which sold almost everything and of course a lot of stands that sold food of all kinds.

We did a lot this day and in the evening we went for Helen's birthday dinner at Quality Meats. Great food, wonderful meat but awful seating. They had called from Hilton and made a reservation telling them that we celebrated my sis 50th birthday. But nothing extra, no congratulations and certainly not a good seating. We were seated just by the kitchen where all the staff stood waiting for the food. I'm used to, when I have been out with Jo, that there is something given, a cake with a candle, a song or something. But here nothing. So dissapointed but the meat was good :-)

The trip home was long and I was only upgraded to Economy Plus this time but still much better than economy. We arrived at 640 AM and I had taken the day off, went to sleep for 1 1/2 hour then I was up until night and the next day work. It really went well. I wasn't at all jetlagged. Maybe because it was a direct flight.

Then Wednesday lot of work and also with the Rheumatic ass. and the same on Thursday 22nd.

Last Friday I went on a ship viewing, Brilliance of the Seas. Hasse couldn't come since he didn't felt well. But afterwards we met at "our" hotel where we stayed for the night. I had been away from Hasse so much that we needed some alone time together. It was very nice and we had a gorgeous dinner. Then at 10PM it was the most fantastic firework over Stockholm. It was the amusement park Gröna Lund celebrating its 130 years.

I will write more but now I'm off to celebrate Jonas girlfriend Mandy who turned 22 yesterday :-) I will also place some photos then.

To be continued....................


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