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Recap 2012, part 2

Ok, I finished recap 1 at then end of June and here's the rest:

JULY: Started nice with a trip to our very good friends who has this magic summerhouse in Söderbärke, Dalarna. It has become a tradition that we visit them for a weekend during summer and such a wonderful one :-)
Beautiful view in Söderbärke
When we returned home, we just repacked and went to "our hotel" again for a 2 night stay. Always nice and we had a wonderful weather and could sit outside enjoying our dinner at the waterfront.

 View from "our" hotel against Stockholm. Dramatic cloud

Back home again I again repacked and went by train to Malmö for a 3-night stay at "my" Malmö-hotel, always Savoy. I try to go there once a year to visit my Mom's cousin who lives there. She's just amazing and we are truly soul spirits and have so much fun together. She turns 85 now in January and lives in a house by herself, her mind is clear and she's very active.

 My mother's beautiful cousin
Home again in our house for a couple of days before the next holiday event. This time we set sail with RCCL's Vision of the Seas for a 8 day-cruise around the Baltic Sea. We had a very nice junior suite on deck 8 and the cruise was fantastic! It is something so different from the cruises we do from Stockholm usually. They could learn a lot by watching the big cruise ships.
 Sunset at sea
Helsinki, St Petersburg, Riga, Gdynia, Sopot, Gdansk and Visby was on the itinerary.

 In the wonderful town of Riga

July ended bad though, because I got an inflammation in my pelvis which made me very handicaped, and I had to use crutches to be able to walk :-(

AUGUST: August was the big jubileemonth with the Rheumatic association and a lot of my time went to planning and the party itself. Before the big day Helen and I went to my favorite hotel that recently had opened a SPA so we had a very luxurious weekend there.
 The festivities can commense
 Peter and Matilda entertained us....
 and so did H.E.A.T
The jubilee party which I have described earlier was a huge success and everything went according to plan and beyond :-)

SEPTEMBER: My birthday month and think it's only one year left to 60! (2014)
I can't believe that at all! Must be something wrong with my birthyear ;-)
Anyway September wasn't very good health wise and I even ended up at the ER which was a horrifying experience.
Anyway I had an MR which showed inflammation of the pelvis and even inflammatory changes. But I couldn't get any medicine for that since I also had an infection in my jaw which needed operation.
I did managed some nice things as well, like a trip to Norrköping with my sis Helen, staying at hotel, going on a wonderful concert with my friends Peter and Matilda. Always nice to spend time with Helen :-)
 Me and Helen having champagne before the show
 Me and the very gifted Peter
And at the end of the month we had a boardmeeting conference at hotel J which wasn't the best sadly enough.

OCTOBER: My health problems continued and on the 11th I was operated by a toothsurgeon which had to take a tooth out. The infection had damaged so much and I had no bone left in the jaw so very big infection, in fact one of the worst he had seen in his 20 years of practice.
We also had a chairman conference at "my" hotel for all the chairmen in the Rheumatic association of Stockholm.

NOVEMBER: I still had health issues and my inflammation came back.
Despite that I went to a conference with my association of Upplands Väsby at a hotel in Nynäshamn.
The big thing was H.E.A.T's own headlining concert at Klubben, Fryshuset.
 H.E.A.T on stage
 Me and Lena (Helen's bff)
 Another photo of the guys on stage
A fantastic magic gig with so many familiar faces. We alone were 10 people there :-)
We also hosted a Christmas party at the Rheumatic association but by then I was so ill so the next days ahead I was in bed with fever and could hardly walk.

DECEMBER: We Stayed at "our hotel" and ate Christmastable which is like the Swedish smorgasbord with some changes.
I also attended a Christmas concert performed by my friends Peter and Matilda. It was just a wonderful concert and filled me with Christmas spirit.
I did miss one with Real Group because I was too sick then to go :-(
 Peter and Matilda at the Christmas concert
I was also to ill to go to the Christmas celebration at my work which was very sad. I had at that time fever and slept around 18 hours every day.
So the ending of the year wasn't great but hopefully 2013 will be a better year healthwise.


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