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Magic H.E.A.T show last night

Yesterday was truly a magic day. I woke up with the worst migraine :-( and thought Oh no, not today.
So I went down and tried to drink a cup of tea and eat something. Then I had to take medicine for the migraine and then straight to bed. I woke up 3 hours later and the migraine was beginning to get better.
I took it slow and easy and finally about 2PM I felt OK so I went on to shower, put on make-up and made my hair and then I was off.
 My sister and Lena's man Mange at the restaurant
 I did started pretty early because it was Friday and the traffic is usually crazy on Friday afternoons. It took me 1 hour 15 minutes to go there (if I go when it's not peak hour it usually takes 40 minutes) so pretty good anyway.
Me and Lena at the restaurant, some of the youngsters in the background (they had their own table)
I had to leave tickets in the entrance - tickets that friends were to get. I have sold one and a friend of mine had sold one because of illness. I was to meet up with Helen, her family, Danniel, Helen's friend Lena and her family for dinner before the show. That was 6-6.30PM and the venue didn't open until 6.30 so I could leave the tickets. I almost paniced, what to do? Then I saw a friend who came and let me in, one in H.E.A.T's crew. I went backstage and managed to leave the tickets and then off to the restaurant.

Jona on his keyboards and the two Erics, Eric R and Erik G
I just found the restaurant on internet and it was close to the venue. It was just the perfect place. Very friendly and homely atmosphere, excellent food, a very nice and friendly owner (who I had been mailing to and who was happy to meet me :-)). And as you know I'm very interested in toilets. This one didn't let me down ;-) The worst part was that there was only one but what a toilet. Big and spacious, decorated with champagne bottles, Dom Perignon, with plans, good lighting and to top it off a choice of 6 different perfumes to use :-) Loved it!

Finally we were off for the main attraction this evening which was H.E.A.T. When we arrived one of their supporting bands played and we waited in the arriving area and greated all the friends and families. I can tell you that there were people that came from Brazil, Canada, Scotland, Italy and England (what we know) just to go on this show! I call that dedication! So nice to meet them. I am friend since several years with the Scotsman, Daz, and with the Italian girl Clarissa but I didn't get to meet the other ones. Oh, I forgot the Estonians and Finnish :-) So a very international crowd.

The first photos were taken from the balcony where we had an excellent view. This is when we came down. Did only see a lot of backs.
The gig was magical! They were so energetic on stage, the singing perfect, the different instruments amazing. When they play I can't be still. The music fills me and I have to move, clap my hand and sing. Have you had that feeling? I love it but I know I have to pay for it the next day. Like today when I have pains and aches all over. But once in a while it's totally worth it.

Daz from Scotland taking a photo of the lads       

I didn't come home until midnight and couldn't of course go to sleep at once so I fell asleep around 1AM which is quite late for me. But what an evening and what memories.

The guys had to, directly after the gig, go to Kalmar where they performed at noon today and then they have another gig there at night. It's about 6 hours drive from Stockholm. That is the life of rockstars :-)

Take care and have a great weekend :-)


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