It's time for the big jubileedinner which I and two friends have planned for a year now.
I have worked so hard the last weeks to get everything done and hopefully we will have a great time. We have set the scene now it's up to the guests to make it happen.
What I hate is when people write a mail saying I'm sorry I can't come?!! What is that? No real reason to why just that they won't come. They have no idea how much trouble that will cause. Not only to change all the lists, trying to get people to replace those places because since it's so close we will have to pay for all places.
If you are in hospital or as someone had a death in the family that is of course obvious reasons but just say I won't come that makes me so angry!
Another thing is that people don't seem to understand the meaning of RSVP or as we say in Swedish O.S.A and as you that means: Repondez s'il vous plait, Answer please.
It doesn't mean you don't answer especially when you have got a personal invitation sent to you by post. The most astonishing is that even our politicans doesn't seem to know what it means. Only 1 out of 25 invitations sent to polititions have been answered.
And among all the others I think we have 50 that didn't bother to answer. When we sent out a reminder we got back: We didn't know we had to tell if we didn't come!?!?
What do they think it means?
But still we are 125 people tomorrow plus artists and I'm sure we will have a good time. Good food, good drinks, great artists and a toastmaster/conferencier called Mia :-) Yes I had to take upon me the task since noone else wanted it.
So keep your fingers crossed for me.
Yesterday also was the day when the Rock Bear was granted. I'm sorry to say H.E.A.T didn't win but just to be nominated is big. It's like Sweden's Grammy.
But I was so angry because when they presented H.E.A.T they did it with an old song - 1000 miles - and worse the old singer not the currant. That is really bad journalism!
I do hope you will have a great Friday. I will try to take photos so I can show you but I don't know if I have the time :-)
Take care!
I have worked so hard the last weeks to get everything done and hopefully we will have a great time. We have set the scene now it's up to the guests to make it happen.
What I hate is when people write a mail saying I'm sorry I can't come?!! What is that? No real reason to why just that they won't come. They have no idea how much trouble that will cause. Not only to change all the lists, trying to get people to replace those places because since it's so close we will have to pay for all places.
If you are in hospital or as someone had a death in the family that is of course obvious reasons but just say I won't come that makes me so angry!
Another thing is that people don't seem to understand the meaning of RSVP or as we say in Swedish O.S.A and as you that means: Repondez s'il vous plait, Answer please.
It doesn't mean you don't answer especially when you have got a personal invitation sent to you by post. The most astonishing is that even our politicans doesn't seem to know what it means. Only 1 out of 25 invitations sent to polititions have been answered.
And among all the others I think we have 50 that didn't bother to answer. When we sent out a reminder we got back: We didn't know we had to tell if we didn't come!?!?
What do they think it means?
But still we are 125 people tomorrow plus artists and I'm sure we will have a good time. Good food, good drinks, great artists and a toastmaster/conferencier called Mia :-) Yes I had to take upon me the task since noone else wanted it.
So keep your fingers crossed for me.
Yesterday also was the day when the Rock Bear was granted. I'm sorry to say H.E.A.T didn't win but just to be nominated is big. It's like Sweden's Grammy.
But I was so angry because when they presented H.E.A.T they did it with an old song - 1000 miles - and worse the old singer not the currant. That is really bad journalism!
I do hope you will have a great Friday. I will try to take photos so I can show you but I don't know if I have the time :-)
Take care!
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