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Back home again

Sunset in Stockholm (taken from our hotel window)

Now I'm back home again after celebrating holiday in various places. I haven't had access to a computer when in hotels but for short periods of time that's why I haven't been able to write on my blog either.

Anyway we have had the most wonderful time. After Dalhalla we went to Helsinki on a cruise with Silja line, of course in Commodore cabin with a balcony :-) Then we stayed a couple of nights at the most gorgeous hotel, hotel Haven, very close to the city center and right beside the market square. After waiting for a long time we finally got our room (the room wasn't ready due to peopel not leaving in time but we got complimentary wine and beer while waiting) which was beautiful. Facing towards the market square, the harbour and the sea we had a great view. The loo had a big window so we really had a loo with a view ;-)
Our toilet in Helsinki :-)
One of the days we rented a car and drove to the old town of Borgå which was just beautiful. We walked in the pretty town, sat down at a restaurant by the canal and had lunch, then drove around before heading back to Helsinki where we also saw the Sibelius monument. 
Hasse in Borgå by the canal. Note where he's sitting ;-)
We also did a boat sightseeing since it was so hot around 30C and the only way to be out then is by the sea I think. We have done similar trips before but the purpose was to be on the water and it was lovely.
Me and Hasse on boat sightseeing. Not the most flattering photo though :-)

Back home we had a BBQ evening with sons, daughter in law and her Mom Sofie. We had a great evening with lots of laughter, good food and chatting.
 Sofie, Mandy, Jonas and Hasse (Danniel was out of sight here)
Then it was time for packing our bags again. This time to go very very far - To Stockholm city and the hotel - Elite Marina Tower hotel.
I love this hotel!! It sits just by the sea and we had a gorgeous De Luxe room with seaview. We had Stockholm at our feet so to speak. The scenery changed all the time. Boats, cruiseships, old sailingships, Gröna Lund (the amusement park across the water) Skansen, Valdemarsudde and of course the city itself. We could lie down in our bed and look out the window absorbing all this. I L O V E IT!!! This is how I want to live but of course that has a price :-( A flat here will set you back around 6 millions Sw Crowns that would be around 1 million dollars and then you still have to pay rent which isn't cheap either. So not for us I'm sad to say. We don't have that kind of money but it's so sad that only the richest can buy. 
 The view from our window at the hotel 6AM
We bought the Stockholm card which gives you free entrance to many attractions and also free rides on public transportations. So we took the boat to Gröna Lund where we saw Tobbe the magician which is really for small children but we enjoyed it enormously. The reason why we went to see that is because we are friends with Celina who is Tobbe's assistent and Tobbe is also a friend to Jonas.
Celina, me and Tobbe
We also went to Skansen the outdoor museum and that night it was Singalong night which is on Swedish TV during summer hosted by a young former Idol-contestant. It was the same program H.E.A.T performed in 2009. We saw some of the rehearsals but decided not to stay until the show. We went back to the hotel instead and found out that just by opening the windows in our room we could hear the whole sing live :-)
Me in the garden of Valdemarsudde
Next day we took the boat again to Gröna Lund but this time we took the tram to Prince Eugen's Valdemarsudde which is the house where Prince Eugen lived. The most beautiful house with a view to die for. He was also a famous painter and several of his painting hangs there. One of our best designer had an exhibition there with the most gorgeous outfits you have seen. He has designed for royals as well as for famous people and "ordinary" people who can afford. Lots of fun for me, maybe not as fun for Hasse but he was a sport and went with me <3
I also went for a walk around the beautiful park which sits on the seafront. Beautiful flowers, benches to rest on and take in the view as well as peaceful and quiet. I love it and I wouldn't mind at all living here :-)

Since the weather was so beautiful we decided to take "our" boat (it's like a public transportation on water) the whole tour around which is roughly around a bit over 1 hour. On board you can buy anything from coffee to beer to wine and snacks. So we went around it and it was gorgeous and you really got to enjoy Stockholm from the water.
That night we went to Gondolen for dinner. It's a firstclass restaurant overlooking Stockholm from above. This is the price I won when winning the cooking-competition at work. Starting with champagne, then a 3-course dinner accompanied with wines suited for each dish. I can tell you I was a bit tipsy when we left :-) but it was worth it. Thank you wonderful collegues at Respons arkitekter!
Me at the restaurant Gondolen
Here's the restaurant Gondolen. You see how high up it is!!
Before going to the Gondolen we went to Mosebacke and were so lucky to meet Anna or Birgit Bidder that she calls herself when performing. She's an old friend of Jonas and us and used to go with us on holidays. She has come so far and it was so nice to meet her. She was to perform that night at Mosebacke but we weren't able to see her then. Next time maybe. She has her song "Psalm from a heart" on an episode of Private Practice. I'm so happy for her and that she's doing so well.
Anna playing our piano
A link to her Psalm from a heart below.

Well that's about it. Now I'm soon on my way to the hairdresser and then I have to think of what to have on Monday for lunch. Yes, I start work again on Monday and it's my turn to have the lunch and I haven't got a clue what I'm going to do :-(
Have a good weekend everyone !!


  1. It looks like you had a lovely vacation.
    But, when did Jona get married???? I didn't know that!!!

  2. LOL First I didn't know what you mean but now I get it. We, in Sweden, say daughter-in-law even if they are not married and she sometimes calls me mother-in-law :-)
    So Jonas is not married, not that I know anyway ;-)
    Hugs Mia :-)


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