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Once again......

 The view from my window at hotel Savoy
Yes, I am still alive although extremely exhausted. I haven't had time even to write my blogs which I usually love doing.

So much has happened and I can't write about it all here in my blog because some things are very sensitive and involv other people.
I have been to one interview during this time as choirassistent at the Cathedral in Uppsala. I haven't hear anything from them yet. The job is to look after up to 90 choirmembers, boys and girls in ages from 8 to 22. Almost never all 90 at the same time but often 50. See to it that they behave and especially during intermission. Also see to it that the required notes is in place, look after the rehearsalroom but also ordinary administrative tasks like booking tickets, hotels, concerts, pay bills, keep contact with parents and choirs in other countries. Accompanie on their tours. It could be really interesting but as I said I have to wait now for a couple of weeks before I know.
And I'm getting rather tired of waiting. Everyone says to me that I shouldn't have any problems getting a job because I'm so skilled and have a great personality. So why am I still without a job?? Personally I think it's my 50% that is a dealbreaker. Too sad.

Then on Tuesday I attended a lecture from a doctor at a painclinic in Stockholm. He told us about fibromyalgia, fibromassage, which sounds great, and methods to relieve pain. Very interesting and of course we at the Rheumatic association were the host and had invited him.

 My room
Then on Sunday I went by train to Scania and Malmö. I hadn't been there for around 13 years so very nice to be back. The spring was more long-gone than home which is usual. I stayed at the Savoy hotel, which used to be the most luxurious hotel in all Scania back in the days. Everyone that was someone stayed there including people like Danny Keye, our King, Olof Palme and many many more. I had a gorgeous big room with high ceiling, wonderful floorboards and beautiful views over the sea and of course turning torso. Installed in my room I called my Mom's cousin who I hadn't seen since I was a child. We have been "talking" through internet and now she wanted me over for dinner. She came in her car and we drove along the coastline to her house in Limhamn/Sibbarp. On the way down we passed Zlatan's house ;-)

Warm-smoked salmon, spinach, potatoes, sauce and a wonderful wine

We had a wonderful dinner that started with champagne, lots of laughter, chat and showing of photos. Once again I found so many relatives I didn't know I had. For dessert we had lemoncurd icecream with fresh Swedish strawberries, yummie!!! ( You know how much I love strawberries Jo )

I went home by taxi and you wouldn't believe me when I tell how much that was! Only 79 SEK for a 15 minutes drive. That would have cost like 400 SEK here in Stockholm. 
Then I had two days of hard work at a course in economy. Very good but totally exhausting. I returned home late Tuesday evening. Then on Wednesday I had to send invitations to annual meeting at the Friendship association at Rosersberg (my former work). I was elected secretary there last year (something I have said no to continue)
 Mom at Olle's grave
Today I went with my Mom to Olle's grave. It's 1 year this day since he passed away so we went there and planted a flower.  She was very cold since it has been half storm here today and not very warm. Afterwards we went back home where she had lunch (they had saved for her) I went to see Danniel for lunch and then I headed to the Rheumatic assocation's office in Sollentuna where I had to pick up lots of stuff that we're going to display tomorrow at the fair in Väsby mall. I have trouble sleeping now, goes to bed late, wakes up in the middle of the night and up early in the morning. Not good at all and I feel it's really too much now!!
I need a break, to go somewhere and relax and do things I enjoy doing.
Sorry about that.
Well a very good weekend to all of you and at last a photo of the flowers we planted on Olle's grave


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