Yesterday we had a meeting for new members with the Rheumatic association but there weren't that many that came and noone really new :-( This is kind of sad. You try to arrange nice social meetings so we can get together and talk thus strenghtening us. We who came had a lovely time chatting, eating sandwiches and drinking coffee. I also had a brief information about our association and activities planned during the springseason.
Next in line is a lecture from our local morticians. It's sounds worse than it is. Everyone of us will sometime in life experience the loss of someone loved and closed ot us. Are we then ready to deal with everything around the funeral? Do we know what to do? Had the departed told his or hers last wishes? Can I myself write down how I want my funeral to be? Insurances? And many many more questions will be answered. I think it will be very interesting.
I have not yet got a job and it sucks!!! I have applied for numerous but haven't heard from them. I'm loosing my faith in me soon. And to top it all I have just received my first payment from the unemploymnet benefit fund. 3000 SEK less in my wallet after taxes. That's a huge difference!! Is this what I have been paying for for 43 years?
So I don't know. I had big plans for this year. I wanted to go to LA and see Jo and my nieces. I wanted to go to Barcelona to see Jonas perform at Salamandra and I wanted to celebrate Hasse's and my silver anniversary.
But with 3000 SEK less a month that is impossible.
So if anyone out there know of a halftime job that pays great money and where I can make a difference and where they want an efficient, overweight, with a rheumatic diagnos that makes only able to work 50% but when I do I'm keeping healthy, not a sickday for over 2 years, happy, skilled in writing and economics and able to do almost anything from baking to educating. Please give me a shout and I will be there.
I do look for and apply for job almost every day. I don't sit around but I activate myself as you who read my blog knows.
Did I tell you that H.E.A.T is going on a European tour starting April 23? They are!
Have a good evening. Tomorrow one of my closest friend Inger and our two "adopted grandchildren" comes home from Australia.
Sleep well, sweet dreams and talk to you soon.
So I don't know. I had big plans for this year. I wanted to go to LA and see Jo and my nieces. I wanted to go to Barcelona to see Jonas perform at Salamandra and I wanted to celebrate Hasse's and my silver anniversary.
But with 3000 SEK less a month that is impossible.
So if anyone out there know of a halftime job that pays great money and where I can make a difference and where they want an efficient, overweight, with a rheumatic diagnos that makes only able to work 50% but when I do I'm keeping healthy, not a sickday for over 2 years, happy, skilled in writing and economics and able to do almost anything from baking to educating. Please give me a shout and I will be there.
I do look for and apply for job almost every day. I don't sit around but I activate myself as you who read my blog knows.
Did I tell you that H.E.A.T is going on a European tour starting April 23? They are!
Have a good evening. Tomorrow one of my closest friend Inger and our two "adopted grandchildren" comes home from Australia.
Sleep well, sweet dreams and talk to you soon.
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