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Thursday and tomorrow Friday, yeah :-)

I wrote on Monday but I haven't had any comments :-( I would like to hear what you think about H.E.A.T's new singel (or rather EP). I know you're reading but there are so few comments. Who are you?

Have you joined the world's largest H.E.A.T family yet? Or at least it's intended to be:!/group.php?gid=288364392119&ref=mf
I hope you do :-)

Yesterday I had a wonderful day in Norrtälje. I started out early in the morning (or maybe not that early, 9AM ;-)) I went to my coach in her home. She lives in a wonderful old house near the sea in Norrtälje and since I was going to see my friend Anne we decided I could come to her too. I brought a boquet of tulips, I love them this time of the year since they bring hope of spring, and buns. So we had coffee and talked about my next step in jobhunting. A very good talk and lots of things she said that made me think. I really like her and I have come a long way since we started.
Norrtälje in snowstorm
After that it was time for our traditional chantarellesoup for lunch but this time it was kind of thin so we asked for a bowl of creme fraiche and after that it tasted much richer :-)
Then we headed to the clinic and Anne massaged my calves that was in really bad state but afterwards very soft and tender (the muscles). Also zontherapy which I love. As I was on the treatmentbench Hasse called and was so worried since they had warned on the radio for extremely bad weather with snowstorm and lots of cars off the road. We did the therapy ready and then I headed home without shopping at Flygfyren as I usually do.

No snow whatsoever until I came to Gillinge (it's not far from home) and not any sign of bad traffic. But the last few miles home it snowed very heavily and I think that it snowed around 10 cm last night.

Tomorrow I'm going to my hairdresser at last! I see some funny colour on my hair close to the scalp. Don't know what it is but Hasse says grey ;-)
It's also our youngest grandchild's birthday (except for Tommy andTanya) Klara who turns 14. Happy birthday Klara :-)


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WOW!!! I just have to say Wow!

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1stH Advent celebrations

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