Aren't the scarves
the same?
Today is the second day of this new year 2010 and it's actually my namesday, Svea.
I was named after my maternal grandmother who I never met since she died when my Mom was only 7 years old. My grandmother had a heartcondition which in those days couldn't be operated so at only 32 years she died. If it had been today she would have lived a full and long life.
Anyway when I was little I was so ashamed of that name because it wasn't "in" or "hip" so I never told anyone my full name. It was bad enough to be christened Marie-Christine. I mean noone ever could remember that name. I was called Ann-Kristin, Marie-Louise, Loppan, Kristina and lots more. So eventually I started calling myself Mia and so did all my friends. When it was possible I took the name Mia officially so today my complete name is Mia Svea Marie-Christine. Something I'm very proud of today. It's not many people that has these names. And I'm proud that I was given my grandmother's name. That's why I celebrate my names, they mean something.
Another thing that was rather funny was today when I read my sister Jo's Facebook there was a photo of her from SLC and,she was stunning on the photo, she was wearing a scarf, a red scarf and I looked once and I looked twice because I have exactly the same :-) (at least judging from the photo) but I wear mine differently. You'll be the judges, the photos here on top. The only thing is that mine looks darker but it could be because I'm in the shadow.
Have a good day. Tomorrow Jonas, Mandy and Sofie are coming over for "linner" (lunch/dinner)
Looking forward to that.
Remember that today is the first day of the rest of your life!
Happy name day Svea!
SvaraRaderaIt's niot strange we have the same taste in some things, afdter all we're sisters :)