There you have it!!
This is how I feel right now. I don't know if I will have a job in 2010. I work in this small company and we have a great concept but it's only me and Richard and our main selling point was to be the education as energy expert. It's especially made to suit chimney-sweepers but to this point they haven't been that interested. We have had two classes so far and the students have been very satisfied and as far we know at least two of them is now certified.
But we had to cancel the class that was supposed to start this week. Next course is planned to start on January 24 but so far we only have one pupil.
Richard asked me today, when we had a meetin, if I was willing to work on hours. That is not having a steady job and not knowing when I will work and how much I will earn. I said no, I can't work under such conditions. I mean I have my bills to pay and it feels very unsecure to work hours. That was something I did when I was 16 to 19 years old and worked in hospital and shops but now at age 55, NO. So therefore I have no idea what will happen.
We had the CEO of The Chimneysweepers association at work today. He and Richard went to lunch and then they were supposed to sit down and discuss the situation. I don't know what have been said but so much depends on him giving his approval and recommendation.
For you out there who are tecnicians or engineers and wants to be energyexperts thus being able to earn extra money on doing energy declarations don't hesitate to enroll with us for your training.
Go to our site: www.elspargruppen.se or www.energiutbildning.se
The desperate side comes from me trying to find a Lucia procession to Saturday's Christmas party with the Rheumatic assocation. It's so hard because the day after is actually Lucia and many of the Lucia processions are already hired.

It's strange how things can change from one day to another. I hope you get to keep your job and more people enroll in classes. I had no idea there were chimney sweepers still.
SvaraRaderaHappy Lucia day, I hope you find the group for your association!