Our new homepage to my work: http://www.elspargruppen.se/
Not quite ready but beautiful. And if you want to have a future job in an expanding business don't hesitate to be an energy expert. We have your education!
We have board-meeting tomorrow with the Rheumatic association and I had forgotten to send out the agenda which I am supposed to do. The secretary called me while I was in Norrtälje asking me if I had sent it out and I just said: shit. Yes I actually said that. But I have wrote the agenda since I came home and also sent it out but I will bring it tomorrow to the meeting as well if they haven't seen it. Could it be Alzheimer light? Or do you think I have to much on my mind?
Anyway I had a wonderful time in Norrtälje with the best Chantarellesoup of the year I think. Great stuff. Afterwards back to the clinic for some treatments which actually made me fall half asleep so maybe too much for me now. And also a fullmoon which doesn't help.
My little toe is better I think but it was hard walking today because of the bandage but I managed. Tomorrow I'm going back and she will se how it looks.
Hopefully I will be cured on Friday when Helen and I are going to Linköping.
Not quite ready but beautiful. And if you want to have a future job in an expanding business don't hesitate to be an energy expert. We have your education!
We have board-meeting tomorrow with the Rheumatic association and I had forgotten to send out the agenda which I am supposed to do. The secretary called me while I was in Norrtälje asking me if I had sent it out and I just said: shit. Yes I actually said that. But I have wrote the agenda since I came home and also sent it out but I will bring it tomorrow to the meeting as well if they haven't seen it. Could it be Alzheimer light? Or do you think I have to much on my mind?
Anyway I had a wonderful time in Norrtälje with the best Chantarellesoup of the year I think. Great stuff. Afterwards back to the clinic for some treatments which actually made me fall half asleep so maybe too much for me now. And also a fullmoon which doesn't help.
After that I went to Flygfyren to do some shopping and that was nice too. By the time I was ready it was dark outside 3.30PM and it was starting to freeze. Now it's frost and since it rained earlier it's ice on some roads.
This is not the famous chantarellsoup but I promise I will take a photo next time.
My little toe is better I think but it was hard walking today because of the bandage but I managed. Tomorrow I'm going back and she will se how it looks.
Hopefully I will be cured on Friday when Helen and I are going to Linköping.
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