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Peder (Real Group) Helen, Me and Anders E (Real Group)

Me and Helen went down to Linköping yesterday to see the Christmas concert there with artists like Sissel, The Real Group, Orsa spelmän, Odd Nordstuga, Trondheimsolisterna mm.
We arrived 4.30PM and got our room. It was a bonus stay because I had so many points. I was expecting a small double but we got this beautiful big Superior room with two beds, a sitting area, table, TV and a gorgeous bathroom. The beds were really superlovely and were eleveted electrically.

Since we arrived rather late and Helen had to fix herself we booked at a restaurant on town because at the hotel they had "julbord" and we couldn't have room-service. Since we know two in Real Group Anders E and Peder we wanted to give them something so it was up to me to run to the "Systembolaget" and buy some champagne for them. I have never been in Linköping this way, mostly you passes on the highway. I asked in the reception where the Systembolag was and she said it's just 3 minutes from here and you go straight ahead to the big square. OK, that didn't sound too bad. It was then 5.45 PM and they said the Systembolag closed at 6PM so plenty of time I thought. I started walking and when 3 minutes had passed I wasn't anywhere close to a square but I continued. After 12 minutes I was kind of desperate and then met two people with bags from Systembolaget and I shouted: Where is Systembolaget?. They just pointed and said just beside the Pharmacy. They must have thought I was desperate :-)
I made it in and bought 2 very nice French champagne to them and when I was on my way out I saw the sign: Open 10-19 on Fridays!!!
Peder, Helen and Anders
Then the next project was to find the restaurant. Helen and I was in telephonecontact when I got out and we joined forces and I walked to where I thought the restaurant should be (what did you do before mobilephones were invented?). Suddenly I looked up and there it was, just in front of me. It was a Greek restaurant, Afrodite, and very nice. We started by saying we are in a hurry to a concert. It was now 6.15 PM and the concert started 7.30PM. We drank champagne too and we got the food by 6.40Pm. So we really had to hurry and eat. At 7 I called a cab to take us to the arena. We ate, paid and went out to wait for the cab which arrived at 7.15. A queue met us near the arena but we finally made it there and a 7.32 last of everyone I think we sat in our places. I have never been this late to any show, concert or theatre.

The show was heavenly. Sissel has a voice that has so much warmth and her range is extreme. She sang Adam's Christmas song with such authority that you weren't afraid at any time. You felt safe with her singing and she really gave you goosebumps when hitting that high note.
Listen to this version of The Prayer with Sissel and Josh Groban. Speak of goosebumps:
The Prayer

The Real Group - what can I say? They were excellent, has so much joy in singing, are extremely musical and have fun on stage. Still after 25 years.
They play with their voices and you can't believe they don't use any instruments. Their voices becomes their instruments. It's extrodinary and if you haven't heard them before you have to.
Here's a link to them singing "Clown in the jungle" Donald Duck's adventure with the woodpecker. It's hilarious: The Real Group

Orsa spelmän had so much joy in playing and the audience really clapped and enjoyed their musicality. They play Swedish folkmusic and especially from Dalarna.

After the show Helen and I took a cab back to the hotel and bought a drink in the bar. It was rather noisy since the Christmas party was still on so we went up to a more quiet area called the library. There we found some members of the Orsa spelmän and we started to talk to them.
After a while Anders E came and joined us and we sat down and had a wonderful time with chat about old day and way back then. Then other artists came Måns Zelmerlöv, Marie Serneholt (but they stayed at their room for Fredagsmys) Sanna Nielsen, Sonia Aldén, Shirley Clamp. We also saw, but didn't talk to, Stefan Sundström who also stayed at the hotel.
Then Sissel came and all the others from the show. Peter the producer and promotor sat down as well and we had so much fun and chatted (and drank) until 1.30AM.
Then up to the room but Helen especially had a hard time going to sleep. Could have had something to do with me snoring ;-) (always snores more when I have been drinking).

We woke up at 9.15 and went down to breakfast after shower and make-up. We met first Peder (Real Group) and then Anders and they joined us at breakfast and we continued the conversation from yesterday. All artists sat together in a corner of the room and once again nice talks.

On the way home we stayed at Mom for a visit and we had bought safronbuns and had coffe with her. Very nice and she was alert but scatterbrained so it's hard to know what she's talking about sometimes.

Tomorrow I will have to make the songbooks for the Christmasparty with the Rheumatic association.

Have a wonderful Saturday evening and enjoy the photos :-)

Anders, me and Sissel


  1. Tack fina Mia!

    Hoppas allt är bra med er.
    Kramar från oss här hemma


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