We luckily came into town, we had a very good dinner and lots of chat and anticipation for the opera. We saw Elektra by Richard Strauss. You would have thought with that name the music should be nice and tender and waltzy ;-) But you couldn't have been more wrong.
This opera is so intense, so passionate and yes scary. The music makes you feel so much and many time my heart beated so fast like I was watching a horror movie. The scenography is really just a big red wall and in front of that everything is happening. But you don't need more because the singing tells it all as well as the music. One of the best operas I have ever seen.
And what a performance from Katarina Dalayman as Elektra. See picture. She was brilliant and as someone said it's like being run over by an expresstrain when it's over. I couldn't help but shedding tears at the end. The audience were wild and extatic and at least 15 minutes of applauds. Someone also said this is hardrock at its best so H.E.A.T maybe a visit to see this could give even more inspiration?
Today I'm going to do the Christmas meatballs and also bake some cookies for Christmas. Once a year I do all these small cookies and everything else and that's a tradition I will not do without.
I hope you all have a wonderful 4th Advent whether you lye by a pool in 30C in Thailand (sis Helen called and told me. Love you sis) or -7C in a snowy Sweden or 20C in California.
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