What have I done today?
I have been to Stockholm to meet with my coach and we talked for 2 hours. Very good and I got a lot to think of. We usually stray away a bit and found ourselves talking of something completely different but nevertheless interesting.
After that back home and Hasse was kind to fetch me in Rotebro. Just before I left in the morning I said: Do you think I need an umbrella? And Hasse said No they said it wouldn't rain until tonight. So when I got out from my coach it was raining very heavily. So much for meterology :-(
We had leftovers for lunch, a wonderful salmon with pressed potatoe and a dill/white winesauce. Still as good today.
Nothing much happened just an ordinary Wednesday. Tomorrow it's Thanksgiving but we don't celebrate that in Sweden but I will see my friend Inger and then Emil is coming for dinner. No turkey but tacos is ordered :-)
So I'll talk to you tomorrow and remember: If you search for the rainbow you actually have to put up with a little rain.
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