It's already Monday and I thought I had written on Saturday but no, it was on Friday. So here's a recap of the weekend: Saturday did nothing really just the ordinary Melodikrysset, cleaning the house and enjoying the sunshine. Yesterday I went to Alby to visit Mom at the "home". She was quite good that is she was up and about and she could talk a little although it's getting harder and harder for her to find the words but also to keep the conversation. She start talking about something for in the middle of the sentence start talking about something completely different which makes it kind of hard to follow. But a good day and lots of laughter because she still has her humour :-) Afterwards I went to see Danniel and had a photoalbum with me from when he was very little. We looked at it together and I had to tell him who some of the people were on the photos. We also had lunch together. Very nice.
Today I have been working, as usual, and then back home for some lunch. Emil came by and had some julmust and I coffee. Now I will be on my way soon to Lotta who lives in Rosersberg, actually very close to where I work, so back to work, lol. No, just kidding, we are having a partylite party where you can buy scented candles which I love especially this time of the year. It's also very nice to meet some of my co-workers from SRSA.
I also would like to give you a link where you can follow H.E.A.T's progression with the new album
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