Yesterday me and my sister Helen went to see the musical Hairspray. It was Helen's birthdaygift to me. It all started with me getting my teeth fixed and polished. No cavity in any tooth :-)
Then I took a strole through Kungsträdgården and then NK while I was waiting for Helen to come back after taking her dog home.
Then we met at Berns for dinner. It was asiatic theme and very good 3-course meal. After that we went under the street (!) and reached the theatre which is situated just beside the restaurant.
We were so looking forward to the musical which we had heard was hilarious.
A bit into the first act people suddenly started to stand up just two rows in front of us. We thought, what are they doing in the middle of the act. They were blocking our view as well as everyone's behind us. First one woman stood up and a man went out of the row. Then another woman started to walk out as well. Of course their places were in the middle of that row so they had to pass many. The second woman were just leaving the row when she started to vobble and then just fell out and flat on the floor thus loosing her glasses, her shoes and just layed there. Many people rushed to the scene, at least 10, and even staff came. I said to Helen no need for us to go as well, that might be too much for her.
Then one man rushed out and said they had to call an ambulance. She was still lying still unconscious. All the time this was going on the musical, dancing and singing continued. Rather macabre if you ask me. We couldn't concentrate on the musical at all.
At last 6 or 8 people carried her out of the theatre in await of the ambulance.
The play continued for about 10 minutes, then came someone up on stage and said there was a tecnical problem and they had to pause the show for a while.
During this pause came a woman and collected all the belongings from the woman and her company. And then a couple of minutes later the show continued.
I have never ever experienced something like that in a theatre and the thoughts were with that lady and her company long after they were gone. Eventually we could enjoy the performance again and in act 2 we had some very good laughs and at the end everyone stood up dancing.
Today we have been decorating and putting up Christmas
I have also made safronbuns and they were very good :-)
On Thursday I had lunch with my very best friend Inger at her house. She had made a wonderful dish with chicken and vegetables. We had a long, wonderful talk. She's such a positive person though she has been through more than many. We can talk about everything even hard and deep thoughts as well as giggle over jokes. You can be yourself in her company and that's really what you need from a friend. I have a few friends like that and I treausure them so much.
Tomorrow we are going to eat Christmas smorgasbord at Rosersberg's castle together with our friends Kitte and Janne. It's Janne's birthday gift from us. We always do that whenever some of us have birthday. But you who read my blog knews that by now, don't you?
This time we thought since it's 1 advent tomorrow it would be nice to eat at the castle. Below is a photo of the castle like it looks today (minus the snow but possibly rain)
Your rolls look yummy!!!!!