This week really started off well. Our students arrived on Monday and then my boss said: Do you want to take your class now? I wasn't prepared at all so I said I'll do it tomorrow.
I had done all the powerpoint pictures, I just needed to collect myself I suppose.
I don't know why I was nervous but I suppose we all are in a situation like that. Take in consideration also that I have never taught Economy or Marketing before although it is my line of work but that's not the same thing.
But it did went well. In the morning when the students came I was in my apron making sandwiches for the morning coffebreak when I just said: Now it's time for some Economy and I throw my apron and went into the classroom :-) Quite funny actually. As I said it went well. How do I know that?
Well, they asked a lot of questions, noone fell asleep and those are good signs :-)

As I think I told you before Jonas and H.E.A.T arrived safely home from Tokyo Tuesday night. I think they have managed quite well to "come back" to the right time so to speak but tomorrow they are off again. This time to Nottingham and Firefest VI.
All the girlfriends have already gone and will stay in London tonight before going to Nottingham tomorrow. I'm quite envious but I hope they all will have a wonderful time which I'm quite sure they will have.
They will be back late Sunday night and then they don't have any gigs until Friday 30th in Norrköping and I'm actually thinking of going there. It's them and the Poodles performing at Flygeln. It will need for me to sleep over though but that could be nice. I will think some more... but let you know.
Tomorrow I, my very good friend Inger, her daughter (my "granddaughter") are going to a local spa for some pampering. I'm really looking forward to that and hope I will have a relaxing time.
On Saturday we have invited our friends Kitte, Janne, Johnny and Anne for dinner and I have now decided to go with Bouf Bourgonion which is proper with this weather we're having now, autumnlike and grey. I have not yet decided dessert but I think we will have some of the cookies I have made during the week like chocolatefudgecookies, toscasquares, coca-colacookies and coffe.
But I can't come up with anything for starter :-( Anyone out there have an idea which goes with the other stuff? I would be happy for any suggestions :-D

Hej och hå har Jonas skaffat mustasch?
SvaraRaderaNope, det var nog bara där att han inte orkat ta bort den för när jag såg han sist i förrgår så fanns där ingen mustasch :-)