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Dad's grave, Rhetoric course in Nynäshamn

I'm now in Nynäshamn and have just finished the course for tonight and I'm pretty tired now.

We met and went to dinner. Very nice. We are all disabled one way or another and we have one deaf woman who has two deafinterpreters with her. It's so fascinating to watch them interpret. Their whole body is involved and it's very hard to not look. Very nice all of them.

We have 3 people in wheelchairs, we have deaf and blind and one that is both deaf and blind. We have people with psychological problems and of course rheumatic people. And we are all here to learn how to speak in front of people based on each and every ones capacity.

On the way down here I went to Dad's grave at Skogskyrkogården. The stone had arrived and I wanted to see it. You can see it on the photo ( the stone is so shiny that it's myh hair you can see down on the stone :-))

Yesterday Jonas and Mandy was home and had dinner. Very nice and I think it will be a while now before we see them again. Touring for Jonas and school and England for Mandy but I place a photo of them here which I think is just lovely. My darlings.
Have a nice Friday evening. See you soon.


  1. Trist med sjukdom. :(
    Men vet du va Mia!
    Du är otroligt vacker precis som du är! Kramar från oss alla


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