It has been rather cold the last nights and we have had frost! In September! That is way too early and I refuse to wear socks before October :-)
But the nightsky is just beautiful when it's so clear and brisk air. The moon is half and shines like a big flashlight and there is that star beside the moon, I don't know the name but it's so big and clear. Anyone knows the name of it?
Even here in Upplands Väsby you can see a lot of stars at night and I just love walking Hilma at night this time of year, before the ice comes.
But the days have been filled with sunshine and if the mornings start with -1 or -2C the day temperature goes as high as 18-19C which is great.
I have a lot to do at work now. On Monday our next class comes in and we are having the class at our own conference room. There are only 5 of them and we can do it and thus save money. We have a beautiful kitchen and lounge area where we will have coffebreaks. I will make the sandwiches myself and I will also bake some yummie cookies for the afternoon coffe. We will take care of them and make it "mysigt" so they will remember this course with happiness.
I am now making the compendium from which they will learn. I'm copying and filing and the copymachine went crazy and we were not on speaking terms when I left :-) I hope "he" is feeling better tomorrow. I suppose he had to work too hard and he didn't like that.
Today Emil was here for dinner which was very nice. I made "korv Stroganoff à la Mia" which is very good, if I might say so myself. The secret of that dish is garlic.
Tomorrow Jonas and Mandy is coming over for dinner and I'm thinking Shephards pie. What do you think about that?
Now I will soon have my "resttime" and watch A place in the sun. That is my time of day to relax and just be. I often fall asleep for a while but it doesn't matter because I sleep at night as well.
Then later it's Idol and so far I really like the ones that have been voted to the Friday qualifying final. Curious of the boys tonight. Their photo is up on the page.
Have a nice evening, lillördag, and take care wherever you are :-)
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