I know, I have been so bad in updating my blog this week but I hope you forgive me :-). I started my new job on Monday and since then it has really been crazy.
I mean for 8 months I have been doing practically what I want at the time I want and noone has asked me to perform except for deaths, funerals, caring for parents, children and husband but apart from that :-)) So now I have to adjust to getting up early in the morning again. I now get up at 5.45AM and starts work 7.30AM which is human I think. I am supposed to stop working at 11.30AM but it's hard now in the beginning while building this to just drop everything but I try.
Tuesday was my birthday and it started in a very nice way by Jo calling me from La Mirada, LA at 6.20. She sang Happy Birthday and Feliz Cumpleanos to me which was great. Then we chatted for a long while which was so nice. I loved hearing her voice after such a long time and sometimes I wish it wasn't so many miles between us, especially since we met late in life and has a lot to catch up.
Hasse had also layed the table and made breakfast and I had a present from him and Gunilla and that was to go to a Spa with Gunilla. So nice and just what I need.
Then I came to work, with a cake of course, and Richard came and sang to me which surprised me more. But of course he had my birthdates and not only that he's birthday was on Friday 18 so we are both virgins ;-)) So lots of cakes this week.
This coming week we have the first education, a class of 8 that will be energydeclarants after 5 weeks. So interesting and exciting. I do hope this first class turns out well so they spread the word. There is no better way than word to word when it comes to commercials.
On Friday night we had birthday dinner here for the boys and Mandy. It was so nice that they all could come. I had made potatoegratin, pork sirloinsteak, sallat, a couple of different sauces like chilibearnaise
and a creamsauce made out of the gravy from the meat. Very good.
Then we had coffee and cak
Yesterday I went to the Opera together with Carina and Carole and we saw Swanlake. It's such a beautiful ballet and I really love the music. Yesterday's greatest performer was the part as court jester that was danced by Avetik Karapetyan. Great high jumps and full control of every jump and pirouette. In the intervals we went out on the terrace of the Opera and what a wonderful night. You couldn't believe it was almost the end of September. During day we had 23C and at night you could still go out without a coat or sweater on. And the sunset over Stockholm!! So absolutely beautiful. It's not often you see that, especially us that live outside the city center.
Today I have been down to Alby visiting my Mom and today she recognized me at once. She was asleep and when she woke up she said: Mia.
At the beginning the talk was a bit hard to understand but she came along well and after a while it got better and better. She told me that she had been out for dinner with Dad yesterday evening and now it seems like he wants her. The thing is he has been dead since May.
I want the medicine she's getting ;-) Seriously, she has been so angry with him thinking he's getting married with someone else so this is much better.
This week she got morphine because her hand (that she broke a couple of weeks ago) hurt so much. After that they could hardly wake her up and called me anxious. But I said that she probably had a good time and didn't want to come back and obviously she had.
You can joke about it, and she does as well as we. The alternative is to cry and of course that happens as well but I'm happy she still has her sense of humour left and we do get lots of laughs every time.
My advice to everyone out there: Live while you can, you never know when it's over. Carpe Diem.
Take care and see you soon
I mean for 8 months I have been doing practically what I want at the time I want and noone has asked me to perform except for deaths, funerals, caring for parents, children and husband but apart from that :-)) So now I have to adjust to getting up early in the morning again. I now get up at 5.45AM and starts work 7.30AM which is human I think. I am supposed to stop working at 11.30AM but it's hard now in the beginning while building this to just drop everything but I try.
Tuesday was my birthday and it started in a very nice way by Jo calling me from La Mirada, LA at 6.20. She sang Happy Birthday and Feliz Cumpleanos to me which was great. Then we chatted for a long while which was so nice. I loved hearing her voice after such a long time and sometimes I wish it wasn't so many miles between us, especially since we met late in life and has a lot to catch up.
Hasse had also layed the table and made breakfast and I had a present from him and Gunilla and that was to go to a Spa with Gunilla. So nice and just what I need.
Then I came to work, with a cake of course, and Richard came and sang to me which surprised me more. But of course he had my birthdates and not only that he's birthday was on Friday 18 so we are both virgins ;-)) So lots of cakes this week.
This coming week we have the first education, a class of 8 that will be energydeclarants after 5 weeks. So interesting and exciting. I do hope this first class turns out well so they spread the word. There is no better way than word to word when it comes to commercials.
On Friday night we had birthday dinner here for the boys and Mandy. It was so nice that they all could come. I had made potatoegratin, pork sirloinsteak, sallat, a couple of different sauces like chilibearnaise
Then we had coffee and cak
Yesterday I went to the Opera together with Carina and Carole and we saw Swanlake. It's such a beautiful ballet and I really love the music. Yesterday's greatest performer was the part as court jester that was danced by Avetik Karapetyan. Great high jumps and full control of every jump and pirouette. In the intervals we went out on the terrace of the Opera and what a wonderful night. You couldn't believe it was almost the end of September. During day we had 23C and at night you could still go out without a coat or sweater on. And the sunset over Stockholm!! So absolutely beautiful. It's not often you see that, especially us that live outside the city center.
Today I have been down to Alby visiting my Mom and today she recognized me at once. She was asleep and when she woke up she said: Mia.
At the beginning the talk was a bit hard to understand but she came along well and after a while it got better and better. She told me that she had been out for dinner with Dad yesterday evening and now it seems like he wants her. The thing is he has been dead since May.
I want the medicine she's getting ;-) Seriously, she has been so angry with him thinking he's getting married with someone else so this is much better.
This week she got morphine because her hand (that she broke a couple of weeks ago) hurt so much. After that they could hardly wake her up and called me anxious. But I said that she probably had a good time and didn't want to come back and obviously she had.
You can joke about it, and she does as well as we. The alternative is to cry and of course that happens as well but I'm happy she still has her sense of humour left and we do get lots of laughs every time.
My advice to everyone out there: Live while you can, you never know when it's over. Carpe Diem.
Take care and see you soon
Carpe diem står det på mina glasögon :)