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What a night!! It was the most wonderful, fun party ever. Thanks to all our friends, neighbours and H.E.A.T with families.

The preparations actually started a long time ago with me saying to Hasse one morning: I think we should have a big party. And Hasse answered: I just thought so too.
So the stage was set. How to do? I said that I didn't want to slave in the kitchen. I was thinking of having it outside while Hasse thought inside. I said is it even possible to have 42 guests sitting in our livingroom? So we contacted a friend who is caterer and has a business Festspecialisten and he came over, looked at our room, measured and went to home to think. We got a suggestion from him that we could seat everyone so we went ahead. We hired everything from him like tables, chairs, porcelin, glasses etc. We also took the food from him and we had a buffé with chickenspit, sirloinspit, salmonspit with sauces, sallat, coleslaw, Quiche Lorraine, bread and butter and for dessert cheesecake and coffe.

At their arrival we were outside in the carport and we served punch which I had made. Great taste if I may say so :-) Then I had some quizes so we had appointed 6 teamleaders that each had a colour (they didn't know in advance) Then the ladies draw envelopes and also the gentlemen and in each there was a piece of paper in the colour they should join. Then they had to figure out instruments in sentences and figure out names from rather tricky descriptions.

After that it was time to eat and everyone joined in with a healthy appetite. We served wine (red and white) beer, soda, water. Anders J told a very appreciated story during dinner. I had made songcheets so we sang a lot too. Then I had a game which is so funny. Go to youtube and watch and get a good laugh :-)))

Then Crash played his song to thank you. His own composition and with help from Kicki
(I hate blogspot that only allows 100 mb film to upload. Who has only 100 mb??)
So here's a link instead: Crash thank you song

Then coffee and cake, more wine, more beer, some dancing, a lot of chatting and laughing and around midnight we served hot dogs which everyone loved.

Although we had said not to bring anything apart from a partymood everyone brought something and so many beautiful flowers, whiskys, wines, champagne, chocolate, baskets filled with fruit, cheeses, olives etc and so much more. Thank you everyone for coming and giving of yourselves. I love you all!!!!

Thanks Danniel for dogsitting Hilma for us :-)

Tomorrow I'm going to see someone about a joboffer I got Friday afternoon. I will write and tell more about that tomorrow night.

Have a good Monday everyone.


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