Lisa who returned home today :-)
Yes, today was my first day and I was so looking forward to it and are so ready to work again.
However it is like being a newborn again :-) I mean this is a new branch and I don't know that much about it but I'm looking forward to learning.
Also to build an administration from nothing, trying to see structure and organize in a way that is easy and functional it's a challenge and so much fun. It will take some time though to get everything where I want it to be but we will get there. That I'm completely sure about.
After work I went straight to Arlanda where we met Lisa who returned from USA after 13 months. It was me, Hasse, Gunilla and Klara and more than one tear was shed when she arrived. So nice to see her after that long time but of course she was very tired and they soon headed for Gävle where Gittan (her grandma) had made lunch for them. It will probably take some time for her to adjust to both the time and everything else here.
I wish her a very big WELCOME HOME!!
I'm feeling pretty tired so tonight will be an early night (not yet though).
"The greatest is the good you have done and the joy you have given others"

Tack MIA :D det var jättekul att ni var där!! Hoppas du hade en bra födelsedag och att de är bra på nya jobbet!! KRAMAR
SvaraRaderaSv; Ja visst är dom bra dom där killarna! ;) Hoppas att det verkligen drar igång för dom nu.
SvaraRaderaHade du en bra födelsedag?
Kram Celina
Celina: Jag hade en helt underbar födelsedag mycket tack vare alla underbara vänner.Bamsekram :-)