We have had really nice weather this week, so far, and it's now getting almost too hot, at least for me. Today we reached 30C and since we don't have any aircond it's not easy to be in the house. Therefore it's nicer to drive :-)
Yesterday me and Jona went down to see my Mom. She has been very ill and since Jona is out touring he wanted to go there because you never know when it's going to be the last time.
Funny enough she was quite cheerful and recognized Jona as the one playing and asked if he was out playing. She doesn't remember names but she does know our faces. I love this photo of my Mom and Jona. It's really love and they both looks so happy :-)
We sat with her for a couple of hours chatting away mostly about old times. It was very nice.
Afterwards we went to Danniel and had lunch together all three of us. Jona and I also did some shopping before heading home.
Of course Jona forgot what he had bought so today I brought it to him since he needed it this weekend when they are performing. I promised I would take him to Eric in Kista but before that we visited Jimmy in his and Karin's new flat. It was just wonderful. So tastefully decorated although not many furnitures since they just moved in.
Then we went to Jysk and Stalands to look for some furnitures and an overlay mattress. We didn't buy anything but Jona got a feel for what he wants in his new flat.
Then on to Eric and I went up and saw his and Stina's flat as well. Very nice too.
When I returned home there had been several calls for me among them one from Mom's elderly home who told Hasse she was very upset and sad and wanted to talk to someone so they called Danniel. He was kind and went down to talk to her. When he arrived she was very surprised and had forgotten all about it.
That is what is so sad about Alzheimer's. They can be so upset and the next minute they have forgotten everything about it.
Saturday is Helen's birthday and we are both going to Mom and celebrate it. I haven't worked out what to buy her yet but I will think of something. I usually do :-) I'm not too keen on giving "things". We do have too much of that. I want to give something to remember. It could be a concert, a theater, a musical, a day at a spa or even an overnight stay and of course I will accompanie her, lol.
Do you my readers have any suggestions? I leave you with that to ponder on. Talk to you soon.
Does she like to cook? After watching Julie & Julia, I thought it be fun to take a cooking lesson or two :)