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Helsinki and H.E.A.T (of course)

We have just come back from our little minivacation in Helsinki. We had such a wonderful time maybe not for a party-animal but for those who wants to relax, rewind and stress down (get the picture?)

We got this wonderful Commodorecabin with balcony which we sat down on with a cup of coffe (complimentary) when we came onboard. Together with a bowl of fruit and a whisky. We changed clothes and went down for dinner at Maxime. Very good and so much to eat, but we drank a wonderful wine too. After dinner we went for a walk on the ship and I, of course, did some heavy shopping in the perfumshop. I always do because it's the only time I really have time to try and to see what's right for me. Boring as we are we then went up to the cabin where we sat on the balcony drinking beer (that is Hasse) and watching the archipelago go by. We had had rain and it was a lot of clouds but suddenly the sun came and we had this gorgeous sunset (look at the photo).

We arrived in Helsinki at 10AM and since the hotel wasn't that far we walked there but the suitcase was really heavy so it was kind of hard. Anyway we reached our hotel, Hotel Haven, and luckily we could have our room at once. I had paid a little extra because I wanted a luxurious room with a view. This is a rather new 5-star hotel.
We came into our room which was so beautifully decorated and had a kind of spa bathroom. The beds where so so so wonderful. We just came into the room, Hasse sat down in front of the TV and I went into bed and just fell asleep. Can you believe that? We had slept all night and then fall asleep at noon again! When I woke up Hasse layed beside me also sleeping :-) Our suitcase stood in the hallway just as we left it when we came in and unopened.

Now I had the time to look around and I opened the curtains and the view was spectacular. Overlooking the harbour and the marketplace with the Uspenskijcathedral in the back, the Swedish embassy on the left and the ships to the right.
In the afternoon we actually went out to see Helsinki and ended up shopping. Hasse a shirt and socks and I a leatherjacket, a dress and a cardigan. With a clear conscience we could then return to our room to relax ;-)
For dinner we went to Sundman's krog which had wonderful food and in an old surrounding.

Next day was sunshine so after checking out at noon we went on a boatsightseeing which was very nice. We got to see a different side of Helsinki and the weather was wonderful.
When we came back we sat down on the Esplanad and listened to a concert (free) and then we strolled back to the hotel, fetched our, by now even heavier, suitcase.

We once again had a Commodorecabin with balcony and once again had coffe with whisky. After a gorgeous dinner at Bon Vivant and a calm night we returned home safely. I can really recommend a trip like that because you feel as a new person afterwards. I can't say for how long but right now still.

Tomorrow I'm going to the tivoli Gröna Lund to see H.E.A.T perform live on TV4 Sommarkrysset. This event starts at 8PM and before that we are a few that will get together for 5-kamp and something to eat.
H.E.A.T is in Gothenburg today watching Europe play live and free at Götaplatsen. At the afterparty H.E.A.T will play at Hard Rock café.


  1. I think you need to give me a shot of your energy! I swear you haven't stopped going going going since January lol.
    This last trip sounds really lovely.
    Good for you :)


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